133 animal cruelty charges leveled at Silver Springs couple

John Comellas and Kimberly Comellas

John Comellas and Kimberly Comellas

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Two Silver Springs residents were arrested Thursday and face 133 counts of animal cruelty, according to a news release from the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office.

John Comellas and Kimberly Comellas were arrested and identified as the owners of the animals. More than 70 animals were discovered on the property. One horse was euthanized due to severe injuries, the release said.

LCSO assisted Lyon County Animal Control officers with the execution of a search warrant at the residence in Silver Springs on Thursday. Animal control had been investigating multiple leads involving animal cruelty at the residence, the release said.

Multiple animals were discovered throughout the property that were caged, malnourished, wounded and near death. The following animals were discovered on the property either injured and/or lacking sustenance:

• 7 horses (1 was euthanized)

• 2 miniature horses

• 9 dogs

• 47 goats

• 6 peacocks

• 1 cat

• 1 rabbit

• 1 owl

The Comellas were charged with the following offenses:

• 133 counts of animal cruelty

• Exceeding number of dogs

• Failure to license dogs

• Failure to immunize animals

Bail is $135,205 each.

The animals were taken into custody and turned over to the proper authorities for care and rehabilitation, LCSO said.

Any questions or information in reference to this case can be directed to Sgt. Julie Redmond by calling 775-463-6600 or Lyon County Animal Control at 775-577-5005.

The case number is 25LY00995.