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Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for

authority to establish a Wildfire Self-Insurance Policy and cost

recovery to fund the Wildfire Self-Insurance Policy.


Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy

for authority to establish a Wildfire Self-Insurance Policy and

cost recovery to fund the Wildfire Self-Insurance Policy..


Docket No. 25-01018

Docket No. 25-01019


   On January 2, 2025, Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy (“NPC”) filed with the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (“Commission”) an application, designated as Docket No. 25-01018 (“Application in Docket No. 25-01018”), for authority to establish a Wildfire Self-Insurance Policy and cost recovery to fund the Wildfire Self-Insurance Policy.

   On January 2, 2025, Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy (“SPPC”, together with NPC, “NV Energy”) filed with the Commission an application, designated as Docket No. 25-01019 (together with the Application in Docket No. 25-

01018, the “Applications”), for authority to establish a Wildfire Self-Insurance Policy and cost recovery to fund the Wildfire Self-Insurance Policy.

   NV Energy filed the Applications to the Nevada Revised Statues (“NRS”) and the Nevada Administrative Code (“NAC”) Chapters 703 and 704, including, but not limited to, NRS 704.110 and NAC 703.535.

   NV Energy requests in the Applications that the Commission approve as reasonable and prudent the creation of a $500 million self-insurance policy to increase NV Energy’s wildfire liability insurance coverage limits, for a total of approximately

$1 billion in coverage. NV Energy explains that such an insurance policy is reasonable and prudent because it will protect customers from the serious financial risks and exposure associated with a catastrophic wildfire in Nevada that utility

equipment could potentially cause or exacerbate in the future.

   NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Commission has scheduled a CONSUMER SESSION in this docket to be held

in-person as follows:


6:00 p.m.

Hearing Room A

Public Utilities Commission of Nevada

1150 East William Street

Carson City, Nevada 89701


Hearing Room A

Public Utilities Commission of Nevada

9075 West Diablo Drive, Suite 250

Las Vegas, Nevada 89148

   Members of the public and interested persons may appear in-person and be heard regarding the above-captioned matter and the effect this matter may have on their utility service. A representative from the Regulatory Operations Staff of

the Commission, the Nevada Bureau of Consumer Protection, and NV Energy will be present at the Consumer Session to answer questions. Public comments may be limited to five minutes per person. The Commission will endeavor to make

reasonable accommodations for members of the public who are disabled and wish to attend the consumer session. If special arrangements for the consumer session are necessary, please notify the Commission Secretary at: (775) 684-6167 (Carson City) or (702) 486-2600 (Las Vegas) at least two (2) business days prior to the consumer session.

   Interested persons may also submit written comments instead of or in addition to participating in the consumer session for this docket electronically through the Electronic Filing System on the Commission’s website, by hand-delivery, or via

U.S. Mail addressed to either of the Commission’s offices, 1150 East William Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 or 9075 West Diablo Drive, Suite 250, Las Vegas, Nevada 89148.

By the Commission,


Assistant Commission Secretary

Dated: Carson City, Nevada



Pub Date: March 19, 2025 Ad # 50916