Northern Nevada military news briefs

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Fallon Armed Forces Day

The fifth annual Fallon Armed Forces Day is slated for May 17 at the Rafter 3C Complex, 255 Sheckler Road.

The annual event’s hours are from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

A free lunch will be provided to U.S. military and veterans as well as to first responders. Armed Forces Day will also feature crafters, vendors, food, live music and more.

Register for a booth or become a sponsor. Contract or call 775-315-6571.

The Car & Bike Show is held in conjunction with the Fallon Armed Forces Day.

Early registration is $25 and event day registration is $35. Preregister online at For questions call Davey at 775-350-0117.

VFW dinner and raffle

The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8071 will host its "20 Guns in 20 Minutes" Dinner and Raffle on April 12 at the VFW Bunker at 255 VFW Historic Lane, Reno.

Twenty guns are set to be raffled quickly in just 20 minutes. Event tickets are $50 and include a brisket dinner, two drinks and one raffle ticket. The event is a fundraiser to support the Virginia City Veteran and Community Service Center building project and features door prizes, shooting accessories and myriad sporting goods. Note the gun raffle tickets will be sold separately at the event.

Winners are responsible for all laws associated with firearms and all associated transfer fees required by federal and state law. For information or tickets, visit or call 775-636-2082.

Mustang 22 Memorial Charity Poker Tournament

The Mustang 22 Memorial Charity Poker Tournament is set for Saturday, March 15 at the Reno Elks Lodge, 597 Kumle Lane.

Doors open at 4 p.m. for drinks, dinner starts at 5 p.m., and playing begins at 6 p.m. The cost is $75, which includes a steak dinner. The non-playing guest cost is $45.

To register go to Look under the "EVENTS" tab and you'll see the "Reserve a Ticket" button. There is a separate button for our non-playing guests.

Contact Sean Laycox at 775-240-2284 for questions.

American Legion Post 16 trivia games

The American Legion Post 16 in Fallon announces announce it will keep its trivia game going. Join Post 16 every Wednesday night.

Registration begins at 7 p.m. and game starts at 7:30 p.m.

Fallon's fabulous host Tami will be running our games. You do not have to be a member of the American Legion to attend.

Nevada Veterans Coalition

 • March 27, 3 p.m., unaccompanied service at Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Fernley.

• April 24, 3 p.m. unaccompanied service at Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Fernley.

March 13, 3 p.m. NVC Board meeting open to public, Fernley NNVMC.

For information,

Honor Flight Lunch

Honor Flight Nevada is hosting a lunch beginning at 11:30 a.m. at the Atlantis Casino, Resort and Spa on Saturday, April 12.

The cost is $35. Check-in is at 11 a.m., and doors open at 11:30 a.m. To purchase tickets online, go to the Honor Flight Nevada Facebook page.

Join the Honor Flight Nevada family for friendship and comradery. World War II veterans are free. They must RSVP.

For questions or information, go to or call 775-323-9955.

Vietnam Veterans Remembrance

The 2025 Vietnam Veterans Remembrance ceremony is March 29 from 2-3:30 p.m. at Truckee Meadows Community College in the Student Services Building, 7000 Dandini Blvd., in Reno.

Doors open at 1 p.m.

Vietnam Veterans of America Sierra Nevada Chapter 989 sponsors the annual remembrance. This year’s theme is Honor & Sacrifice, and a presentation will be conducted by the veterans of Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and Gold Star families.

The Patriot Guard Riders will place a wreath with the help of veterans.

This year’s featured guest speaker is Col. Jackson T. Doan, commanding officer, Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center. He is a 1975 Vietnam refugee.

Other speakers include U.S. Rep. Mark Amodei, Brig. Gen D. Rodger “Dan” Waters, Brig. Gen (ret.) Michael Peyrel, Dr. Spring Melody Myers and Jeff Evans, a three-time Gold Star family member.

Free. For information, go to or call 650-888-1564.

Veteran groups seek volunteers

The Nevada Veterans Coalition, the Patriot Guard Riders and the Northern Nevada All Veteran Honor Guard are seeking new members.

The coalition assists with military funerals at the Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery in addition to presenting the colors at other events such as Memorial Day in late May, the Vietnam Veterans Remembrance ceremony in March and the Camos to Classroom scholarship dinner in mid-November.

Coalition members aren’t required to be veterans, but they should be a member who supports the military.

For information, call 775-575-6842 or email

Volunteers may sign up at There’s a button to click for membership information, which is free.

The Northern Nevada All Veteran Honor Guard is sponsored by Carson City’s American Legion High Desert Post 56. The non-profit honor guard presides at services at no cost to the family. The qualifications for belonging to the guard include members who have served in the military and are available on weekdays. The group does not provide services on Sundays.

If potential members are interested in joining the honor/color guard or would like to observe them, contact guard commander Jim Jackson at 775-443-8507.


TRICARE patient portal closing

On April 1, the TRICARE Online Patient Portal will no longer be available. The Department of Defense’s new electronic health record — MHS GENESIS — has replaced the TOL Patient Portal. If you want to keep a copy of your legacy health records for personal use, you must download them from the TOL Patient Portal before April 1.

Here’s the link:

Senior Companion volunteers

The Senior Companion volunteers ages 55 and older provide basic social support to seniors over the age of 60 years old.

The seniors who receive volunteer services generally live alone, need respite care, have limited access to outside resources, and lack social support. Volunteer services may include taking clients to medical appointments, grocery shopping, running errands, socializing, or engaging in fun activities.

For qualifying volunteers, a small stipend is available for services; transportation reimbursement is provided for all volunteers.

This program is sponsored by AmeriCorps Seniors and the State of Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division.

For information, contact Polly at

Nevada Guard retiree monthly meetings

• The Nevada Air Guard’s monthly breakfast is on the second Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. at the Reno Elks Club.

• The Nevada Army Guard’s breakfast is on the second Monday of the month at 8 a.m. at the Carson City Elks Club on Nevada Street.

Remember there is no charge from the Elks for the breakfast.

Each meeting normally features a guest speaker. Guests are welcome.

Veterans Upward Bound

Veterans Upward Bound at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno can help with academic advisement, college applications, educational benefits, academic review and referrals to community resources.

Veterans Upward Bound is a U.S. Department of Education program for veterans. For information, call 775-829-9007 or email The website is

Patriots to Education

Nevada school districts are preparing to recruit for the upcoming 2025-26 school year. Many districts still have immediate openings for this current school year. Whether you’re looking for a position now or planning ahead, opportunities are available in many roles.

Veterans, National Guard members, reservists, and their spouses usually possess the qualities that schools value in their team members. Take a look at the Patriots to Education website

Veterans’ assistance

• Veterans Crisis Line — The confidential crisis chat has three ways to obit help. The Veterans Crisis Line is 1-800-273-8255, press 1. Chat at Veterans or text to 838255.

• Adult health center — More to Life adult day health center is here to help families. For information go to or call 775-358-1988.

• Northern Nevada Wheelchair Program — The program serves Northern Nevada by recycling serviceable medical equipment and clothing. This program is supported by the American Legion, Community 4 Veterans, Disable American Veterans and Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Call or text 760-500-0857 or email

Bunco/spaghetti feed

The 13th annual bunco/spaghetti feed sponsored by the Blue Star Mothers of America, Truckee Meadows NV#3 is April 12 at the Reno Elks Lodge, 595 Kumle Lane.

There will be raffles, a silent auction and prizes. Tickets for the event are $25. Doors open at 5:15 p.m.

For tickets and donations, contact Lory Rehne at 775-772-4704; 4vp.nv3@bluestarmothers. Us or

Military articles and news briefs are compiled by the Nevada News Group. Questions may be directed to