Carson City legal - 51215

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              OF PUBLIC HEARING

Pursuant to the Carson City Charter, Section

2.110, I, William Scott Hoen, Carson City

Clerk, do hereby certify that on this 20th day

of March 2025, the proposed ordinance,

hereafter referred to by number and title, was

filed with the Clerk of Carson City, State of

Nevada, for public distribution. Public notice

is hereby given that copies of the proposed

ordinance are available for inspection at the

Clerk’s Office, 885 East Musser Street, Suite

1032, Carson City. The public hearing on the

proposed ordinance is scheduled for Thursday,

April 3, 2025, at the regular meeting of

the Carson City Board of Supervisors, which

begins at 8:30 a.m., in the Community Center,

Robert “Bob” Crowell Board Room, 851 East

William Street, Carson City, Nevada.

                    Bill No. 101

An ordinance relating to public safety; establishing

various provisions prohibiting unauthorized

sleeping or camping in public places;

providing penalties; authorizing the removal

of persons and personal property from public

places under certain circumstances; making

conforming changes to provisions relating

to disorderly conduct; making conforming

changes to provisions relating to camping in

general; and providing other matters properly

relating thereto.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my

hand and affixed the official seal of Carson City,

State of Nevada, this 20th day of March 2025.

William Scott Hoen, Carson City Clerk

By: H. Mills, Chief Deputy Clerk (seal)

Pub Date: March 26, 2025 Ad # 51215