155 Years Ago
Bids on the Orphan’s Home — The board of directors of the Nevada Orphan’s Home have accepted what is known as the Thompson Plan and advertise in our columns today for bids. This plan contemplates a two story building, some 92 feet in length and corresponding width, and embracing apparently ample accommodations for the purpose desired.
140 Years Ago
Many persons may not be aware that glass can be cut under water, with the greatest ease to almost any shape, by simply using a pair of ordinary shears or strong scissors.
120 Years Ago
Grey, Reid, Wright Company to have modern department store. Mr. Wright of the firm Grey, Reid Wright, spent yesterday in this city. One of the objects of his visit was to complete arrangement and general renovation of the store occupied by the firm.
60 Years Ago
Actor Dan Blocker was described as being comfortable today at Daniel Freeman Hospital, where he was taken Wednesday after an apparent kidney stone attack. The hospital said the 35-year-old “Hoss” of the “Bonanza” television series spent a comfortable night.
155 Years Ago
In the U.S. District Court, on Monday, before Judge Hillyer, in the case of the U.S. vs. two kegs of fermented liquor, it was ordered by the court that the Marshal of the District to release the property from custody.
140 Years Ago
To many people it may seem strange that the price of beef remains high while other commodities have declined to a noted degree. But an enlarged demand and high price for beef cannot be readily responded to by an increase in the supply.
120 Years Ago
The labor unions and the newspapers of Tonopah are sending out word to the effect that Tonopah is overcrowded with laborers, and that no more persons should go there unless they have plenty to live on without securing positions. The camp is overcrowded with laborers.
70 Years Ago
Senators gave their unanimous approval to AB490 which provides $750,000 bond for a state office building on Capitol grounds.
60 Years Ago
Official groundbreaking for the Mansion Inn Motor Hotel, a $1.5 million project was officially started today by R.E. Parson, California material dealer and contractor. The new three-story plus penthouse building of 150 rooms, will be erected on the location of the old State Motors, which formerly housed Safeway on North Carson Street directly opposite the famed Virginia and Truckee passenger depot. Listed as “firsts” for the area are colored television sets in all deluxe rooms with the latest in telephones with free local calls. Registration will be by drive-in windows.
155 Years Ago
Doings of bad boys. Night before last two boys whose names are known to us and which we refrain from making public now, but which we will give in full if the lads don’t mend their ways, willfully broke the windows of the Chinese house on Carson Street and were detected by the occupants. One of the young scamps drew a knife on a Chinese person but Charley Parker prevented his using it.
140 Years Ago
Nut pine wood is selling at $10 per cord in Bodie. Five years ago, this month it was worth $40, and hard to get at that.
120 Years Ago
The highwayman who shot Clyde Taylor near Hazen Sunday has not yet been captured and it is not thought that the officers will be able to catch him.
70 Years Ago
Flames destroyed one of the oldest homes in the state yesterday at Genoa, leaving a family of seven homeless and almost destitute. Fire started in the Henry Rozelle home yesterday morning. The structure was used as an office for a doctor, a lawyer and a mortician, at various times.
60 Years Ago
William E. Dunfield, a Carson High School honor student, took over as Assembly Sergeant-at-Arms today. It was the first time within memory that a prep student has served in the post.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.