Churchill County Museum lecture series features wagon builder

The covered wagon currently on display at the Churchill County Museum was built by Loren Marcus, a local wagon builder and wheel wright.

The covered wagon currently on display at the Churchill County Museum was built by Loren Marcus, a local wagon builder and wheel wright.
Sara Dowling | NNG

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The Churchill County Museum’s “Wheels …” lecture series continues Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. with local wagon builder and wheel wright Loren Marcus.

Marcus has been restoring wagons and building and repairing wood spoke wheels for over 25 years, long before he came to Fallon in 2021. Through his company, Marcus Wagon Works, he has restored horse-drawn vehicles for entities such as the Paso Robles Pioneer Days Museum and the San Joaquin County Museum, and also for fire departments, re-enactment groups and private collectors.

This year’s spring lecture theme features the connections between people, transportation and history. Marcus said “Every wagon has a story to tell” and that includes his wagon “Holy Smoke!” that has been on temporary display at the museum for the winter season.

The wagon will be removed to make room for a new exhibit after the lecture.

All lectures in the series are free to the public and light refreshments will be served. The Churchill County Museum is located at 1050 S. Maine St.

For information, contact Education Curator Jennifer Jones at 775-423-3677, ext. 1224 or email