Frank Arnold Curran

October 9, 2023

Thankful for you…

Frank Arnold Curran, 81, passed away October 9 at 6am. He was born in Harlingen, Texas, to Lucille and Grant Curran. He grew up in the gulf of Texas picking cotton for his parents’ farm. He served in the US Marines and later became a mechanic. Specializing in Volkswagen’s. After many state to state moves his family settled in Dayton Nevada in 1989.

Frank was known for his smile and happy personality. He loved making people feel amazing. He was a natural born athlete. He excelled in football and track. He loved to go bowling, water skiing, hiking, and horseback riding. Later in life, it was all about getting his 2,000 steps a day in.

He was an amazing musician. Our home was always alive with him jamming
on the piano or playing his guitar. He was always outside working on something or being active. He gifted us his loves and positivity for life. For the love of music. For getting to the lake for “glass” at the butt-crack of dawn. For being in nature & for the love of sports. He encouraged us to be unique and to have pride and confidence in being different.

If you met Frank you were better off for it! Everyone would instantly fall in love with him. His amazing smile can be seen in all 14 of his grandchildren. His hilarious and fun humor is also embedded in his family. His children were the loves of his life & his grandchildren were his pride & joy. Joy is without a doubt what he brought into all our lives. His support for whatever you were doing was without fail. Frank was authentic & passionate. He was loud & PROUD. His light was huge. He was gentle and kind. Genuine, Real & Humble. He was everything.

Frank didn’t care to chase the money. He worked harder than anyone, doing any and every job to support his family. He could give two “S—-s“ about keeping up with the “Jone’s”. He taught us to do the right thing. How to be good people. His energy went towards his family. Values. Morals. Some of his many sayings were. “Sell Mel sell”. “Don’t say you don’t care”. “Don’t say hate”. “If there’s no more work, grab a broom”. “Be good”. “Be careful”. “Be unique”. “Don’t get involved in others business unless you want someone knocking on your door”. “How you doin’?”. “It’s the good life”… If you asked him how he was doing, he’d say “fair to midland…”

“Dad, you are my best friend. I love you beyond words. The pain from losing you has changed me forever. I’m positive this pain will turn into something beautiful in time. You were the best human being a girl could ask for as a dad. I always wanted to be just like you and have my children look at me the way I look at you… you can’t imagine losing a parent. Especially one that was your support & had such an impact on your life. I’m so grateful for ALL of my time with you. SO many laughs. And all our conversations! Those last months with you… the 2 hour round trips made to pick you up so you could go to the grandkids’ games. Eating tacos & going on a walk. To cut your hair and shave your beard. It was exhausting & you knew it. I would’ve made that drive a million times if I had to. You never stopped thanking me for picking you up until I dropped you off. You were so grateful. When you were with me & my family, you were so alive & happy. Being with loved ones made you feel healthy & strong. During all our time we were awarded our beautiful friendship, full of the coolest love. In August, you called me and said, “I am so proud of our relationship. I love it so much; I don’t want it to ever end. I’m not saying this is it, I’m just telling you because I don’t want it to be too late.” A small example of how amazing you made me feel my entire life. How can I live without you? You made me feel so incredibly special. When I felt unvalued, you reminded me that I was doing the most important job in the world- of being an at home mom. Encouraging me to do what’s right for my family. You taught me to be proud of what was right and to fight for that. You taught me to sing and laugh loud.

Dad, You were never a burden to me or my family. We had some hard moments only because your body and mind were tiring out, and I was scared. Neither of us knowing how to handle reality of not seeing each other again. With everything in me I hope you’re with Mimi & Papa and I hope it is beautiful!

I did forget to ask you to come back and haunt me so I could see you again, hahaha… so I’ll be waiting for the peaceful, less painful days of feeling your presence again.

My heart is broken. I miss you. I will celebrate and honor your character & integrity by doing my best! Always growing and aspiring to be like you! Being kind and loving & supporting my family fiercely.

Thank you! Thank you, so much for being my dad. Your life of giving me the most important gift of all, the understanding of what life should be all about.

I Love you~ Colleen.”

Frank will forever be remembered as completely Selfless. Loving. Positive. Mentally strong. Healthy. Supportive & Infectious (your hospice nurse, of only two weeks, helped me realize you were infectious). That was the kind of impact you had on so many people!

Frank is survived by his younger brother Jim Curran & nephew Brad Curran. His little sister Delphia May, (David) & nephew Scott Metcalf. Frank adored his siblings & was able to make three incredible trips to Texas to spend summers with them. Franks four children, his oldest daughter, Christine & grandchildren- Jordan & Alex Verrier (& great grandson Caden). His only son, Shaun, (Jessica) & his grandchildrenGrant (Tylerann & great granddaughter Juniper Curran), Alyssa, Ella & Lily. His daughter Colleen (Jerrad) & grandchildren- Bella, Camille, Ava, Cage & Jovie Kordonowy. His youngest daughter Maureen (Sam), & grandchildren- Vili, Lisi & Ali Tulimafui-Curran. We will celebrate Franks life next summer, when the sun is out and it’s hot, with tacos galore, loud music and plenty of laughing -just the way dad liked it.