Humane society raising money for shelter

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The Capital City Humane Society earned $2,440 in pledges at its recent fund-raiser and plans another event in August.

"This is something that benefits everyone," Humane Society President Isabel Young said. "Everybody gains. Young, old, male, female, because everybody has an animal."

The society is raising money to build a no-kill shelter on seven acres located along Highway 50, just east of Deer Run Road.

At present, the city has an animal shelter with space for 61 cages. However, the city must euthanize animals when the shelter gets full.

Young said the shelter she is working on will have plenty of room for abandoned pets and will not need to euthanize animals.

"The building is long and we're going to have 200 cages," she said. "If we have to have more, we'll put in more."

The property will be subleased to the humane society by Carson City once paperwork changing its use is approved by the Bureau of Land Management.

"We've just scratched the surface in raising money for the building fund," she said.

Young said she expects to have the $1.4 million needed to build an 18,000-square-foot building by the end of summer.

"We'll have the money by the end of the summer and the building up by the end of the year," she said.

It will take 60 days to build the building, once the finances are in place.

"If we reach the people, the response is excellent," she said. "The hard part is getting to them so we can let them know it benefits the whole city."

Young said she felt it was important to aim high in order to get the project completed.

"You have to be ambitious," she said. "With the help of the good people of Carson City, we will get this place up and running."

Capital City Humane Society

Phone: 853-8064

Fax: 8451-5584


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