Free immunization clinic at Governor's Mansion Saturday

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Clowns, balloons, and a team of Clydesdales will be on hand for free rides at the Governor's Mansion on Saturday in conjunction with a free immunization clinic.

"When kids get their shots, they'll get a horse stamped on their hand," said Julia Shepherd, spokeswoman for Carson-Tahoe Hospital. "The stamp is good for a free ride in the wagon."

Babies need five immunization visits before the age of 2 to protect against serious childhood diseases such as measles, whooping cough and chicken pox, yet one of every four children in Nevada is not fully immunized.

To help increase awareness, Nevada's hospitals are partnering with state and local immunization authorities, community groups and businesses to hold free vaccination clinics statewide.

In Carson City, parents can enroll their children in Nevada Checkup, an organization that provides well-baby checkups for uninsured and underinsured children.

Members of the Carson City Fire Department will also be on hand to perform infant/child car seat safety checks.

Volunteers from Carson-Tahoe Hospital will be at the event, which is sponsored by Nevada Public Health Foundation, Roche Pharmaceuticals, MRI International, Managed Care Consultants, Aventis Pasteur Inc., GlaxoSMithKline Vaccine, Model Dairy and Wyeth Laboratories.

Children of all ages are welcome. For more information, call 885-1728.


What: Free children's immunization clinic

When: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday

Where: Governor's Mansion, 606 Mountain St.


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