Oh, yeah, we've got your challenges right here

10 in 10 athletes, from left, K.M. Cannon, Karl Horeis, Rick Gunn and Jeremy Evans on the steps of the Capital in Carson City on Wednesday.

10 in 10 athletes, from left, K.M. Cannon, Karl Horeis, Rick Gunn and Jeremy Evans on the steps of the Capital in Carson City on Wednesday.

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Four of my most testosterone-laden friends have nine more days to test their mettle. That the test is called a challenge matters most to them. It's a quest of sorts, only at the end instead of a Holy Grail they are more apt to have holey socks, blistering feet and aching bones.

The quest is the 10-in-10 Challenge being undertaken by Rick Gunn, K.M. Cannon, Karl Horeis and Jeremy Evans. Today is Day 2 and they should be biking along the Tahoe Rim Trail. By Day 10, I figure they will no longer be hiking, but plodding along in a mind-sucking stupor.

Meanwhile, back at the office, we girls, not to be outdone, are undertaking a challenge of our own. It's something like:

Day 1 -- Challenge 1: Eating 10 ice creams in 10 hours.

Day 2 -- Challenge 2: Shopping for 10 hours, buying 10 things all under $10.

Day 3 -- Challenge 3: Painting 10 toes, 10 different colors in 10 minutes.

Day 4 -- Challenge 4: Napping for 10 minutes at our desks without anyone noticing 10 times.

Day 5 -- Challenge 5: Finding someone worthy of going on 10 dates (single girls only).

Day 6 -- Challenge 6: Finding time for 10 dates (married gals, too).

Day 7 -- Challenge 7: Figuring out what to wear on the 10 dates (see challenge No. 2)

Day 8 -- Challenge 8: Shopping for 10 hours, buying 10 things for more than $10.

Day 9 -- Challenge 9: Coming up with 10 ideas to lose the 10 pounds put on by eating 10 ice creams. Then thinking of 10 excuses not to do them.

Day 10 -- Challenge 10: Writing 10 lists outlining 10 obscure challenges.

Our challenge, though difficult as it sounds, isn't likely to cause us bodily harm, which is of course why we chose what we did. I bet the worst we face is a hangnail from too much manicuring.

The boys' challenge, well, it's a bit tougher. Though I jest here, I truly do applaud their spirit and their follow through. They came up with an idea, came up with a plan and put it into action.

Many of us have ideas, but they are never followed up with a plan and then even more important action.

Think of the world we'd have if procrastination didn't exist and the road paved with good intentions went unpaved. The church would have its roof, the babies their shoes and there'd be no starving children in Africa.

My reflections come thus, I'm sure, as I face another birthday. The one that means I'm now closer to 40 than 30. I don't feel old, at least not all the time. I don't look old, until someone says "Look! You've got grey hair."

But I am old. And I do feel it. Especially after 27 miles on my mountain bike, after hours of pulling weeds in my garden and after 30 minutes with a pair of toddlers. Why can't we bottle that energy?

But wait a minute. The boys on the quest consist of a pair of 30 somethings, and two post teenagers (boys in their early 20s). Where'd they get this energy?

Oh, right. It started with an idea, that blossomed into a plan that took them on the road. Be safe, boys, and kick some Nevada butt!

Kelli Du Fresne is features editor of the Nevada Appeal.


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