National Senior Center Week celebrated

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National Senior Center Week is being celebrated all over the country May 12-18, and Carson City is no exception.

Though the week will go by with no huge fanfare, Carson City Senior Citizens Center Executive Director Janice McIntosh is excited the center is able to offer so much to the community.

"We are truly in celebration because of our new building," said McIntosh.

"We are in the final stages and the addition of the second floor is about to begin. We are in such a wonderful position that our center is used so much from the services we provide."

McIntosh said photo albums with the center's history will be on display in the lobby. They show the center's first site, which was built by the Carson City Kiwanis. The center's first building is now home to the Thrift and Gift shops and pool hall.

"We have come a very, very long way. I can hardly wait to see where we'll end up with this building. And the neatest thing, we're seeing a lot of new people coming into the center."

The center's advisory council, architect, McIntosh and Metcalf Builders met Friday to go over final plans for approval. Once that is done, the only step left is to obtain permits for the expansion.

McIntosh said after the completion of the expansion, the next step for the senior center and its users is to come up with a master plan for the remainder of the property obtained from the Bureau of Land Management to the east of the existing center.

"The advisory council is looking at a master plan for the eastern property, on how we can best serve our community," said McIntosh.

"The seniors are working with the governing board to find out what will benefit the seniors most. There is the possibility of low-income housing for seniors, assisted living. We're getting ideas from city personnel, too."

A portion of the property has already been earmarked for a community garden. McIntosh said 26 people have signed up to participate.

The expected May move of senior center operations has been postponed until late July. Some of the items added to the expansion project had to be removed due to budget limitations.

The center is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Lunch is served in the dining room at 11:30 a.m. Suggested pay for seniors is $2, but no one will be turned down for a meal. Those under age 60 are to pay $4.

For information on programs and services at the Carson City Senior Citizens Center, call 883-0703.


What: Senior Center Week

Where: Carson City Senior Citizens Center, 911 Beverly Dr.

When: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Cost: Free

Info: 883-0703


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