Academic honors at police academy go to Douglas deputies

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After 16 weeks of training in Carson City, two Douglas County sheriff's deputies are back on the job.

Anthony Freiberg, 39, and Joshua Rothschild, 30, graduated with top honors at the Police Officers Standards and Training Academy or POST by achieving high cumulative scores on eight written examinations.

For his high score of 94 percent, Freiberg was selected as Outstanding Graduate of Academy 6. Rothschild received honors for his 91 percent on the tests. He received the Top Gun Award for proficiency in firearms with a perfect score on three tests.

POST certification is required for all deputies. Training includes building searches, crime scene investigation, vehicle stops, driving under the influence enforcement and traffic accident investigation.

"The Nevada POST academy experience was one of the most memorable times of my life," Freiburg said. "I haven't felt that level of camaraderie since basic training some 21 years ago."

Freiberg began working in Douglas County on Jan. 10, 2002. Prior to that, he flew a DC-10 aircraft for Japan Air Lines for nine years.

He served six years in the U.S. Coast Guard. He is married with no children.

Freiberg is originally from Idaho but has lived in Northern Nevada for the past nine years.

"I got my first taste of law enforcement while serving as a boarding officer in the Coast Guard many years ago," he said. "My aviation career took off unexpectedly and after 15 years of seeing the world I decided that it was time to come home again."

Rothschild, 30, has been employed by the sheriff's office for about two years.

"I believe this sheriff's department is the best place to work in Nevada," said Rothschild, who was chosen as honorary squad leader at the academy.

He is a field training officer and a certified M26 Advanced Air Taser instructor. He attended a 40-hour instructor development course this year. Born in California, he has lived in Douglas County for 13 years.

"This agency is more like a big extended family to me," he said. "I am looking forward to spending my entire law enforcement career here and serving the community in which I live."


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