Recess and lunchtime -- a good thing

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There are different reasons why recess and lunchtime are a good thing.

No. 1: Kids get to eat.

No. 2: Kids get to play.

No. 3: Kids get exercise.

Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?

Eating is very important to a kid during the school day because we get very hungry. We haven't eaten since breakfast, and we need to satisfy our hunger. We love food and enjoy this little break to eat.

Playing is an important part of the school day. Kids like to play sports at recess because there aren't as many rules. Kids feel free at recess!

Getting exercise is also a big benefit of recess. Since we can't run in class, it is important to run at recess. Exercise keeps us fit and is usually fun, too.

These are some of the reasons why recess and lunchtime are important.

Ask your parents to pack you a good lunch and ask your teachers for extra recess. It's good for you.


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