Legislative calendar

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8 a.m. -- Assembly Government Affairs. Room 3143. No meeting scheduled.

8 a.m. -- Assembly Judiciary. Room 3138. Videoconference to: 4401. Committee meeting. Bills to be heard: SB494.

8 a.m. -- Assembly Ways and Means. Room 3137. Videoconference to: 4406. Bills and budget closings. Bills to be heard: SB46, SB164, SB173, SB216, SB301.

8 a.m. -- Senate Finance. Room 2134. Bills to be heard: AB214, AB249, AB255, AB341, AB395, AB469.

1:30 p.m. -- Assembly Taxation. Room 3142. Assembly Taxation Committee MeetingE

1:30 p.m. -- Senate Transportation. Room 2149. Videoconference to: 4406.

Bills to be heard: AB267, AB518.

3:45 p.m. -- Assembly Elections, Procedures and Ethics. Room 3138. No meeting scheduled.


8 a.m. -- Assembly Government Affairs. Room 3143. No meeting scheduled.

8 a.m. -- Assembly Ways and Means Joint Subcommittee. Room 3137. Meeting canceled.

8 a.m. -- Senate Finance Joint Subcommittee. Room 3137.

1:30 p.m. -- Assembly Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining. Room 3161. No meeting scheduled.

1:30 p.m. -- Senate Natural Resources. Room 2144. Bills to be heard: AJR5, AJR6, AB41, AB130.

4 p.m. -- Assembly Ways and Means Joint Meeting. Room 4100. Close budgets.E

4 p.m. -- Senate Finance Joint Meeting. Room 3137.


8 a.m. -- Assembly Government Affairs. Room 3143. No meeting scheduled.

8 a.m. -- Assembly Ways and Means. Room 3137. bills and budget closings.E

Bills to be heard: AB548.

8 a.m. -- Senate Finance. Room 2134. Bills to be heard: AB122, AB148, AB162, AB254, AB257.

2 p.m. -- Senate Legislative Affairs and Operations. Room 2144. Bills to be heard: AJR13, AB542.

3:45 p.m. -- Assembly Elections, Procedures, and Ethics. Room 3138. Committee Meeting. Bills to be heard: SJR7, SCR26.


8 a.m. -- Assembly Government Affairs. Room 3143. No meeting scheduled.



8 a.m. -- Assembly Ways and Means Joint Subcommittee. Room 3137. Higher Ed/CIP - budget closingsE

May 26EEEE

1:30 p.m. -- Assembly Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining. Room 3161. SB58. Bills to be heard: SB58.


11:30 a.m. -- Task Force for the Fund for a Healthy Nevada. Room 2144. Videoconference to: 4412 This is the tenth meeting of the Task Force for the Fund for a Healthy Nevada. Agenda not yet available.


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