Thanks to all who fought for our freedoms

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Sixty years ago yesterday, the most horrific war in history came to an end with the signing of an "unconditional surrender" by Japan. Today, we are not under the occupation of the German war machine or the "rising sun" of the Japanese because of the valor of our fighting men. Thank you! And a heartfelt "thank you" to the men and women who still serve our country ... may you come home safely and soon ...

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Costco is known for giving out food samples every day in their stores ... we know someone who takes her kids out there "to lunch" ... they get fed and have a ball. It's our opinion that for the $45 yearly membership, you could live there ... free food, a bathroom, places to sit, maybe a bed to lie down on ... for the price, it doesn't get any better than that. And think of how we could cut down our welfare and prison costs if we doled it out to Costco? We think we're on to something here ...

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Does anyone really watch the "celebrity reality shows"? Most of them seem to have snatched "celebrities" from the bottom of the celebrity barrel ... we've never heard of most of them ... who cares if they play poker, run races or play games? Boooooring ... or you need to get a life ...

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The other day in the comic strip "Born Loser," it described "failure" on a report card as "deferred success," the "politically correct" definition these days. Thus said, can we now refer to dying as "deferred living"? Just wondering ...

And speaking of being "politically correct," we received a lot of comments on the NCAA ruling not to use "Indian" names for teams or mascots ... all agreed there were more important things to look at (like steroid abuse and graduation rates, to name a couple) ...

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Joke of the week ... A husband had just finished reading the book "Man of the House," and stormed into the kitchen, pointing a finger at his wife ...

"From now on, I want you to know I'm the man of this house, and my word is law. I want you to prepare a gourmet meal tonight, and when I'm finished eating, I expect a sumptuous dessert. Then, after dinner, you are going to draw me a bath so I can relax, and, after that, guess who's going to dress me and comb my hair?"

His wife gazed at him for a moment, and replied, "The funeral director would be my guess ... "

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And now (to get even), one for the guys ... "What's the difference between a new wife and a new dog?" After a year, the dog is still excited to see you." (groooooan)

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Lots of good things going on this week: the CHS Hall of Fame dinner will be held Saturday night at 6 p.m. in the parking lot of Adele's ... tickets are $25. They will be inducting players Bob Frank, Rick Redican, Sonny Allen and Coach Ed Jesse. Come out, eat a great dinner, have fun, and support the Senator football team (the season starts Aug. 26, with a home game against Moapa Valley).

The same day, from 10 to 3, Greenhouse Garden Center is holding its "Art in the Garden 2005," featuring local artists, a variety of wines from Tahoe Ridge Winery, classical piano and harp music, and it's free ... such a great time ... they will also have the United Blood Services Bloodmobile there to encourage blood donations (anyone donating blood will be eligible to win several prizes).

Also, the Children's Museum of Northern Nevada will be holding its fourth annual Kids Karnival from 10 to 3 that day ... call 884-2226 for additional information.

And finally, for wonderful food, fun and dancing, go to St. Anthony's Greek Festival this weekend in Reno at their church on Lakeside Drive ... just don't tell us you can't find anything to do this weekend ...

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Quick picks ... why is the ability to fly wasted on flies? And our friend Kevin says, "Do you know why divorce is so expensive? 'Cause it's worth it."

Why, when you're American, do you want to be ID'd as something else (i.e., Hispanic-, African- or Native American ... )? What happened to our "melting pot" where everyone is equal? Or are we reverting to "clique" mentality (everything our forefathers were escaping from) like today in the Middle East or the former Yugoslavia or the tribal conflicts in Africa? Can't we celebrate ethnicity without being divisive? Think about it ...

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Jim Macdonald sent us a news item about California air regulators announcing new emission factors for their dairies ... to put it succinctly, they're trying to regulate "cow farts." OK ... (besides all the other comments you may want to make) Jim thinks they will have to install "cattle-lytic converters" ... Mooooove over world ... another great idea that "smells" of success ...

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We support Cindy Sheehan (the lady whose son was killed in Iraq) in her quest to talk to George Bush ... she deserves some answers ...

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Belated birthday wishes to Sarah Nutt Garrett and Claire Clift ... and one in advance to Brian Whalen Sr. from his "seester-in-law" ...

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Johnny Johnston tells us of an investment plan "that if you had purchased $1,000 worth of Nortel stock a year ago, it would now be worth $49.00 ... you would have only $16.50 left if you'd bought Enron. With WorldCom, you'd have less than $5 left ... however, if you'd purchased $1,000 worth of beer, drank it, and returned the cans for a refund, you'd have $214." Based on the above information, his investment advice is: drink heavily and recycle ... it's called the 401-Keg Plan ...

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And to brighten up your week ... Ken Fraser sends "An invisible man married an invisible woman ... their kids were nothing to look at either." Enjoy the week ...

n Carolyn DeMar and Maizie Harris Jesse are longtime Carson City residents. Write to them at


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