Strings in school program begins Monday; box tops needed; sales and backpacks

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The new music and band program sponsored by the Carson City Symphony starts today and still needs help from the community. This new after-school pilot program will begin today at Seeliger Elementary School. The strings in the school program provides students in the Carson City School District beginning violin lessons for grades 2-5, and an orchestra for all string students with previous experience. Tuition and books are free; the only cost to students will be instrument rental or purchase. To help this program you can sponsor a student or donate an instrument.

Strings in the Schools is funded in part by grants from the Nevada Arts Council, a state agency, the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency, and by generous support from the Sierra Philharmonic League. Some scholarships are available for instruments.

Strings in the Schools

What: Program will provides students in the Carson City School District beginning violin lessons for grades 2-5, and an orchestra for all string students with previous experience

Where: Classes will be held after school, with beginning violin for grades 2-3 on Mondays and grades 4-5 on Wednesdays at Seeliger Elementary School. The string orchestra will rehearse on Thursdays (high school and middle school students should arrive at 3 p.m.). Enrollment is limited and will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

When: Starts Monday

Contact: Sue Kitts at 267-6924.

Linda Hurzel is back teaching physical education at Bordewich-Bray Elementary and wanted to thank the public who continue to support her General Mills Box Tops for Education program. Linda said she has purchased some great new equipment thanks to all of you who continue to take the time to cut those box tops out and send them in. You can also drop them off at Grandma Hattie's Restaurant and have lunch while your there. Say hi to John Hurzel.

Bordewich-Bray Educational Box Tops Program

What: Cut out General Mills Educational box tops for the purchase of new sports and educational equipment.

Where: Drop them off at Grandma Hattie's Restaurant, 2811 S. Carson St. Bordewich-Bray Elementary, 110 Thompson St. or you can send them to the school, attention: Linda Hurzel

When: All school year, keep them coming.

Contact: Linda Hurzel, 283-2435

Speaking of being back, you can count on the SBC Pioneer's annual parking lot rummage sale coming Sept. 17. Between SBC Pioneers and Carson City Kiwanis Club Marina Works head nurse at Carson High School can feed students in need all through the school year. The food goes to students who otherwise would not have any food.

The SBC pioneers are currently looking for donations and craft vendors to participate. Stroll around and look at the art work, knitting, pottery, ceramic clocks, jewelry and crocheted blankets. If you want to donate anything for the rummage sale look below. There will also be the mobile blood van because once again the supply of blood in Northern Nevada is very low.

SBC Pioneers Annual Parking Lot Rummage Sale

Where: St. Paul's Lutheran Family Church, 1201 North Saliman (corner of William and Saliman, next to the high school)

Time: 7 a.m.-1 p.m. donations accepted especially furniture and children's toys (no stuffed toys, have too many already)

Contact: Betty Razor 841-2208 or Lee Radtke 885-8166

Thank you to Office Depot, Irwin Bank and Costco Wholesale for donating backpacks. Those who need a backpack can either stop by the Ron Wood Family Resource Center this Tuesday or call me and I'll drop them off at school. Thanks to these local businesses we have more than 200 backpacks to help children this year. So please don't hesitate to call.

Free Backpacks

Who: The Ron Wood Family Resource Center

Where: 212 E. Winnie Lane, Carson City

When: Starting Tuesday August 30th, 8a-5p, while supplies last

Call: 884-2269

Who: Carson City School District Children in Transition

Where: Drop-off site at each school site

When/Time: Now until all children are covered

What: Backpacks filled with all the essentials to start school

Cost: Free

Contact Number: 283-1345 0r 690-1303. You can also ask at each school site

for a backpack.

n If you would like your organizations information included, please e-mail Kim Riggs at


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