Douglas takes new look at senior center

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Douglas County commissioners are going to take another look at the need for a senior center.

Possible locations, the types of services and funding for the new center will all be discussed at Thursday's meeting.

The effort follows the September defeat by voters of Question 1, a measure that would have provided funding for a new center.

"We're going to take another look at the need for a senior center," said Brian Fitzgerald, recreation superintendent for Douglas County Parks and Recreation. "Thursday's meeting will give staff a direction, so they can regroup and plan a smaller-scale project.

"I think we'll be looking at a scaled-down plan, but the new center should be large enough to provide a hub for meals," Fitzgerald said.

"It will probably take a couple of months to put a proposal together."

Providing meals for Douglas County's home-bound population, in addition to the 125 meals served daily at the center, is the biggest challenge for the existing facility.

Providing enough room for those seniors who come for lunch and activities is the second largest challenge, said Paul Lockwood, president of Young At Heart, the organization in charge of the center's daily operations.

"We turn away a lot of people due to overcrowding," Lockwood said. "People come in and they love it here, but couples sometimes can't sit together. A lot of people don't come because there isn't adequate parking, and we can't expand the parking lot here, without consent from the neighbors."

The satellite concept for senior centers in Douglas County has its advantages, according to Senior Center supervisor Warren Bottino.

"Douglas County is large, but we could cover all areas with satellite facilities," he said.

Lockwood said most counties also provide services for senior day care, something lacking in Douglas County.

"We have 15,000 seniors in this area, and at least 5 percent of those have Alzheimer's disease," he said.

"In Washoe County, their day care has a clientele of 60 and a waiting list," Bottino said. "The centers give families a break, and offer great social benefits for patients."

Douglas County's proposal includes a larger dining room and multi-purpose room for other activities.

Contact reporter Susie Vasquez at or 782-5121, ext. 211.


What: Douglas County Board of

Commissioners meeting

When: 1 p.m. Thursday

Where: Douglas County Administration Building, 1616 Eighth St., Minden


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