Two UNR campus librarians disciplined

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A state hearings officer has upheld the suspensions ordered for two University of Nevada, Reno library employees.

Diane Morningstar and Romelia Torres were among those investigated in connection with a sharp decline in library revenues that raised the question whether some one was taking money. They estimated the amount missing could be as high as $38,000.

During the course of the investigation, both Morningstar and Torres admitted taking small amounts of money left by library patrons. Torres said that she pocketed "tips" and change left in the library by individuals paying for services such as copying. Torres said she had pocketed some money found on tables and furniture in the area.

Library officials ordered both suspended for 15 days without pay and they appealed.

While the amounts of money involved were small, hearing officer Patrick Dolan agreed with investigators that taking the cash still violated university and library rules. The law requires any money received in the library to be recorded and deposited with the library.

Dolan upheld the suspensions saying given the circumstances, he "cannot hold that such discipline - in the face of such serious misconduct - violates either the letter or the spirit of progressive discipline."

Meanwhile, the Attorney General's Office reported its investigators were unable to find enough evidence to charge any individual in connection with the allegedly missing money.

n Contact reporter Geoff Dornan at or 687-8750.


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