Let's be patient with DMV rebate glitches

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We know it's risky business to tell Nevada residents to have patience with the DMV and the U.S. Postal Service while they work to get Gov. Kenny Guinn's rebate checks to residents. But we're saying it anyway. Be patient.

Those of us on a fixed income couldn't have budgeted in our rebates until the middle of last week. Those of us who blew our dough feeding the bottomless slot machine this weekend were gambling anyway that the rebate check would make it into the mailbox. You may have won, or you may have lost. Be patient.

Just wishing for a little extra cash? Wish for some patience.

Some margin of error must be anticipated with 1.9 million checks being sent out in one day. Ever heard of Murphy's Law?

The DMV and Gov. Kenny Guinn's staff have identified a few problems they will work to correct:

• Some vehicle owners who registered their vehicle early in calendar 2004 didn't receive checks. A DMV spokesman said that problem is being fixed, and those checks will be issued later this year.

• Some owners who had multiple names on their registration but didn't list an address for each person didn't receive checks. State officials said 28,000 checks were mailed Saturday to those individuals.

• Some received checks which they can't cash for a dead relative. They should contact DMV by mail, explain the situation and include a copy of the death certificate so that a check can be issued to the proper relative or estate.

• Some checks were delivered to the wrong address. They should be marked "Return to Sender" and put back in the mail.

• And for the seniors who did not register a car, remember, your $75 checks will also come later this year.

If you don't readily see that you fall into one of the above categories, there are a couple of things you can do. Notify the state by e-mail at rebate@dmv.state.nv.us or call the rebate phone number for this area at 684-4948.

And, remember, have patience.


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