Williams resigns as CHS girls hoops coach

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Veteran Carson High varsity girls basketball coach Alana Williams turned in her resignation to school officials earlier this week.

"She has some health issues," said Ron McNutt, Carson High athletic director. "She may have to have surgery."

Williams, according to school officials, hasn't been at school all year, and subs have been covering her physical education classes.

Williams coached the last two seasons, returning to the position after Paul Croghan retired from the school district. Williams guided the fourth-place Senators into the regional playoffs, but the Senators were eliminated in the first round by Reed.

McNutt said the position has been officially opened. Interested parties have until Oct. 21 to apply for the position, and McNutt said he thought there would be several people apply for the job.

If a qualified candidate within the district isn't found, Carson can consider candidates outside the district.


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