Letters to the editor

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Culinary Arts Program hasn't been cut back

This is in response to Natasha Gonzales' letter of Oct. 12.

The Carson High Culinary Arts Program's budget has not been cut; we are working with the same amount of money as last year. The replacement of some large equipment has been possible with the awarding of Carl Perkins Vocational Funding which allows more of the budget to be used for "consumables."

Yes, my students have to fundraise, as do all successful programs. Having more than 100 students competing on the regional level for the National Restaurant Association Pro Start program, fundraising is necessary for the practice sessions as well as travel, uniforms, specialized equipment and prizes. This has been the same since the introduction of competitive teams into this program.

Thanks to the continued strong support from the school district and administration, Carson High School Occupational Programs are some of the strongest in the nation.


Carson High Culinary Arts Teacher

Pro Start and Skills USA Advisor

Virginia & Truckee has value to all of us

It is beyond my comprehension why some people can't see the benefit of the V & T Railroad. One only has to look at those states that have similar steam trains, to recognize the value. If the business community is making more money, then they will be paying more in taxes. This should ease the tax load on the residents.

I believe everyone not only wins, but our chests will be sticking out a little further.


Carson City

Lost boy needed to have more basic skills

I read with interest F.T. Norton's story on the kindergartner lost in the shuffle Tuesday at Fritsch School. The response and investigation by school officials is overkill. Everyone seems to pointing fingers and more than willing to take responsibility for the events that day. Everyone but Donivan's mother.

At age 6, a child should have been taught basic life/survival skills by his parents. An example: if I'm lost or need help go to a policeman, teacher, neighbor etc. We cannot always expect educators to be responsible for everything that could happen to our children.

In my opinion the events last Tuesday might have been avoided if this child had some simple life skills. Perhaps mom should get the "time out" and think about what she could have done to avoid this incident.


Carson City

Times have changed - so has the pay

Times have changed. I got my first job when I was 13 delivering papers for the Nevada Appeal. I was thrilled to be a "paper girl" and was told I would receive tips from the customers on collection day as payment. And I did - sometimes $50 a month, which was huge.

This was at least 15 years ago, and I doubt either the Appeal or another 13-year-old kid would ever be that lucky again. Certainly not today would a place of business be able to employ someone and pay them nothing. And certainly not today would a kid be happy about delivering papers every day in rain, hail or two feet of snow for 50 bucks a month in tips. Times have definitely changed.


Carson City

If you don't want rebate, donate it

This is my response to a letter to the editor dated Oct. 16.

Since the millions of dollars in question are a "rebate," (defined as: a refund of some fraction of the amount paid) common sense demands that it be returned to those individuals who actually paid the original money.

If the letter writer, or others, want to then turn their rebated money over to a "much needed state program," that is their choice and they are free to do so.

However, don't try to take my rebate money, or any rebate money others are entitled to, and spend it for me.

It is my right to decide what to do with the rebate money returned to me, which, I point out, is only a refund of some fraction of the amount of money I originally paid to the DMV.


Carson City


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