Silver takes a 'Chance' for miracle finish

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It was a miracle finish for the Carson Silver Senators and a heartbreaking end for the Carson Blue Senators in as good of a game as anyone will ever see on any level.

In a clash between Carson's two Mighty Might Pop Warner football teams, Chance Banta scored his third touchdown of the game on a 56-yard run on the contest's final play to give the Silver a 26-22 win.

It looked like the Blue had pulled out the win when it scored with 20 seconds left to take a 22-20 lead. After the kickoff, the Silver had just 15 seconds left. It looked like the Blue would still hang on after a sack and incomplete pass, leaving the Silver with just two seconds left.

But the Silver lined up in a spread formation and behind the blocking of Logan Menzel, Kye Cattlin and fullback Kenny Franks, Banta ran 56 yards for the game-winning score.

Banta scored on the third play of the game on a 54-yard run and after Brandon Davison recovered a Blue fumble at the Blue 22-yard line, Banta scored on an 18-yard run.

The Blue scored on a 68-yard run in the second quarter. The Silver, though, got sacks from Nolan Shine and Cameron Price and took over at the Blue 30.

Behind the blocking of offensive linemen, Sean Heneghan, Cattlin, Adam Kilgor, Menzel and Joconn Rodriguez, Banta ran 29 yards to the 1. With 10 seconds left in the first half, Tistian Bakkendahl scored on a 1-yard quarterback sneak to give the Silver a 20-8 halftime lead.

The Silver improved to 5-2 while the Blue fell to 3-3.


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