Gibson proposes Retiree Corps to help schools

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Gubernatorial candidate Jim Gibson says he wants to create a statewide version of the Peace Corps staffed by volunteer retirees.

Gibson, mayor of Henderson, is a Democratic candidate for governor.

The Retiree Corps, he said, would be used to expand literacy programs to every school district by taking advantage of the expertise of seniors throughout the state. He said especially those with math and science or computer backgrounds along with other technical skills would be called on to help students in middle and high schools.

"We must be good stewards for our children's education and for our seniors' quality of life," Gibson said.

He said the Retiree Corps would do both by providing seniors a chance to contribute and improving educational opportunities in Nevada's schools, especially in technical fields.

He said a tax-exempt foundation guided by a board of civic, business, education and policy experts will direct the Retiree Corps. He said if elected governor, he intends to leverage every available private dollar to make the Retiree Corps a reality.


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