People and things in the outdoors

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Dave Beronio and Mike Zuppan of Douglas County have been busy scouting for wild turkeys at the Mason Valley Wildlife Management Area. They each drew a tag for this Spring hunting season. Hmmm, wouldn't it be a whole lot easier and cheaper to buy a big Tom at the local grocery store, ready to cook?

Doug Busey of Douglas County learned the hard way that you can get stuck in snow at Red Lake, Calif., even with a four-wheel drive pickup. Thanks to Steve Lightfoot for pulling him out.

Two bald eagles and three coyotes often seen on the east side of the freeway in Washoe Valley make the drive to Reno a little bit more enjoyable in the early morning hours.

Washoe Lake is currently at the highest level that people have seen for a number of years. And, the Spring run-off of melting snow hasn't started yet! When the water is lapping at the edge of U.S. 395, you know that it has been a good Winter.


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