A story that should live on in Nevada history

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Most of the stories printed in the paper this week will soon be replaced in our memories by the unending flow of news.

All but one story, that is - the death of JohnD Winters. We're happy that his name will forever be preserved in Carson City, in the form of JohnD Winters Centennial Park, which was created partially from what used to be his land.

We're also grateful that the family preserved in such detail his part in the history of Nevada and we hope other families will follow that example before their roles in that history are lost.

JohnD Winters was a fourth-generation Nevadan. He died at the age of 97 on March 30. Those who knew him recall his concern for others and his generosity. He gave land to the city and its schools, including the site occupied by Carson Middle School. They also recall his passion and deep knowledge of water and agriculture issues. He came from a family of ranchers and politicians, but he exerted his influence by becoming involved in community issues and groups, including the Carson-Truckee Water Conservation Board.

Carson City has lost several others in recent months who were key figures in shaping this community, including doctors William King and Henry Stewart. But each week's obituaries add to that loss, even if those people's names were not as well known. We encourage families to write down or record the stories their elders tell, and to document old photographs. Someday, they may help future generations learn about the early days of our state.

A memorial service for JohnD Nevers Winters will be 2 p.m. April 18 at the Silver Oak Golf Club, 1251 Country Club Drive, in the Coaches Room.

For more information on JohnD Winters, see the Sunday Column on page A5.


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