Fee hike pondered for use of park sites

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Major changes in how Carson City charges for use of its parks and other grounds will be discussed today among members of the Parks and Recreation Commission.

The meeting begins today at 5:30 p.m.

Proposals include charging groups by the day instead of the event for use of such sites as Fuji Park or Mills Park. This likely would cost users more because some large events can require a day to prepare and another day to clean up, said Roger Moellendorf, the city's parks director.

The idea is "to be consistent," he said.

Also sought is a change in policy that would allow the city to increase use fees by more than 15 percent at one time. There currently is a cap on the raise amount.

The proposal reiterates recent changes, such as rules for commercial users of public property, and explains the mandate for the department to fully recover direct costs for programs.

It also explains why the city will offer initial price breaks on new programs as a way to promote interest and that no waiving of fees will be considered.

Being retained is the 25-percent discount on cost to rent the Bob Boldrick Theater at the Carson City Community Center.

Future fee increases won't have to be reviewed by commissioners because they will be tied to direct costs, Moellendorf said.

Added cost to renters are expected if the new plan is put in place, but how much it would be hasn't been figured, he said.

Moellendorf expects to present a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors in late July. If approved, the changes would take effect next year.

• Contact reporter Terri Harber at tharber @nevadaappeal.com or 882-2111, ext. 215.

If you go

WHAT: Parks and Recreation Commission meeting

When: 5:30 p.m. today

WHERE: Sierra Room of the Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St.


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