10 lucky winners drawn for Tahoe Mackinaw fishing trips

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The Ormsby Sportsmen's Association (OSA) held its regular monthly meeting on March 20 at the Carson Nugget Convention Center. At that meeting, 10 winners were drawn for a OSA-sponsored, sport fishing at Lake Tahoe. The fishing trip will be with sport fishing guide Mickey Daniels on his 43-foot fishing boat, "The Big Mack II" at North Lake Tahoe.

The winners were: Wes Adams, Leman Booher, Steve Erickson, George Heeter, Forrest Huett, Roy Huett (he also won last year), Bob McCulloch, Ron Pickerell, Greg Stump and Bill Taylor. The alternate is Jack Theuret.

The date of the trip will be conditional on the weather.

All fishermen on that trip must possess either a valid Nevada license or California fishing license.

For information, call President Bob "Slick" McCulloch at 882-68810 or Past President LaNora Clyde at 841-5758.


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