Lyon County considers takeover of Silver Springs GID

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The Lyon County Commissioners will once again consider dissolving the Silver Springs General Improvement District and taking over control of the district.

Commissioner Larry McPherson said he put the item on the commissioners' agenda to be discussed at Thursday's regular meeting.

"I don't want the county to have to do it, but the way it is, they're so screwed up down there," he said. "Dysfunctional is what I call it."

This is the second time in less than a year the commissioners have considered dissolving the GID, which operates the sewage treatment plant.

In August of 2006 the commission directed then District Attorney Leon Aberasturi to review the legality of a takeover and warned the issue could be brought up again.

At that time, the commissioners cited complaints of alleged mismanagement issues, staff and board turnover, and an inability to meet long-standing goals. The reorganization could lead to the dismissal of all current GID board members with the county commissioners becoming ex officio trustees.

McPherson said current GID chairman Bob Freeman has been spending too much money.

"There isn't enough to put out $50,000 a year for a manager," he said.

McPherson said a Class III operator with managerial experience could operate the plant.

"It doesn't take two or three people to handle things," he said.

He added he didn't believe the takeover would cost the county additional funds.

McPherson also said that if the county took over the GID, Lyon Utilities would most likely operate the plant.

GID chairman Bob Freeman or other board members could not be reached for comment.

• Contact reporter Karen Woodmansee at or 882-2111 ext. 351.

If you go

WHAT: Lyon County Commission meeting

WHEN: 9 a.m. Thursday

WHERE: 27 S. Main St., Yerington

CALL: (775) 463-6531


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