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130 years ago

The prize ring. Yesterday noon a rope ring was drawn in the middle of the street in front of Sweeney's saloon in which several youths aspired to "slugger" fame disported themselves, pummeled each other with soft gloves. The hardest of the contests was between Peter Musgrove and Fred Curry.

100 years ago

The question of amending the gambling law or making more rigid is being seriously considered. That something should be done there is no question.

70 years ago

A bank is a good place to put your money for safekeeping. Recently a rabbit being chased down a street in Elko by a big red chow dog thought the same. Startled patrons saw the rabbit scoot into the bank, do two loops around the bank with the chow two inches behind and then outside to greater safety.

50 years ago

(Photo Caption) Members of the Nevada state legislature get free flu shots today from Dr. Richard Grundy. Pictured is Lt. Governor Paul Laxalt.

20 years ago

The largest mammoth ever found in North America is taking over the Nevada State Museum's permanent collection. The Imperial mammoth was discovered in 1972 in the Black Rock Desert.

10 years ago

Gardnerville joins Reno, Carson City, Sparks, Henderson and Boulder City as an official Tree City U.S.A.

• Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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