Volunteers sought to serve on Carson City Planning, Cultural commissions

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The Board of Supervisors is looking for three volunteers — one to serve on the Planning Commission and two on the Cultural Commission.

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission oversees all matters pertaining to Carson City’s planning and zoning, land use and growth management.

Monthly meetings are at 5 p.m. on the last Wednesday in the Sierra Room of the Carson City Community Center.

Applicants must be willing to serve approximately 12-16 hours a month. The partial term will expire in January 2021.

Applications, available at www.carson.org/volunteer, will be accepted until Aug. 24.

Interviews will be conducted at the Sept. 6 Board of Supervisors meeting.

Cultural Commission

The Cultural Commission is the official advisor to the Board of Supervisors on matters related to the cultural life of the community.

Meetings are held at least quarterly, lasting approximately 2-3 hours. Additional time may be spent on projects and subcommittee work. Applicants should be prepared for a minimum commitment of up to 10 hours a month.

One vacancy is for Citizen-at-Large, a position open to a Carson resident who has a broad and informed perspective of the arts along with a demonstrated knowledge and responsiveness to the existing arts community and community at large.

He or she must represent a cross section of the city’s age, multi-cultural, socio- economic, professional, artistic and volunteer diversity; and have an appreciation for Carson City’s rich cultural tradition.

The Youth Representative position is open to 18-to-25-year-old college students or young arts advocates/ambassadors, arts professionals and business professionals.

Both positions will expire in January 2021.

Applications will be accepted until Sept. 6. Interviews will be held at the Board of Supervisors meeting Sept. 20.

For information and an application, go to www.carson.org/volunteer.


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