Carson City supervisors eye building facade program changes

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The Board of Supervisors on Thursday will consider changes to Carson City’s Facade Improvement Program.

The program provides matching funds up to $25,000 for projects to renovate building exteriors of commercial businesses. It’s administered by the Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee, which last month sent a recommendation to the board to limit the properties eligible for the program to only businesses along improved streets, such as Curry and South Carson streets, rather than allow any business in a redevelopment district to apply.

The project to rehab the Bob Boldrick Theater should move forward with a vote to award a $232,028 contract to K7 Construction Inc., to replace the wall carpet and acoustical panel retrofits, add concrete expansion for wheelchair access, and do concrete floor finishing, interior painting, metal railing installation and electrical work for aisle seat lighting.

The board will also vote to purchase a fire engine ladder truck for $1,853,041.

The supervisors will vote whether to make Nancy Paulson city manager starting in January. Paulson has been working as interim city manager since the former manager, Nick Marano, left in June.

The board’s most time-consuming item will come at 3 p.m., when a hearing is set to decide whether to revoke the business license for Capital City Liquidators.

The South Carson Street business has been repeatedly cited by Carson City code enforcement for violating the city’s outside storage requirements.

The supervisors will hear on first reading an ordinance amending International Fire Code and the International Wildland-Urban Interface Code that would take effect in January. The board previously discussed at length the language for the code, mostly over concerns about the repercussions for homeowners who don’t follow code on defensible space.

The board will also be hearing on second reading, and voting to approve, several other items, including an amendment allowing a portion of the sales tax collected for the V&T Railroad debt to be used on road projects; a new utility assistance program for low-income ratepayers; and the issuance of $7 million in bonds for a project to extend the water line from Washington Street to the Quill Water Treatment plant.

The board will also be voting to accept the annual financial statement for the year ending June 30, 2018.

The Board of Supervisors meets at 8:30 a.m. in the Sierra Room, Carson City Community Center, 852 E. William St.


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