Past Pages for August 10 to August 13, 2019

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150 years ago

The child who was brought to town by its mother when the party was halted by the highwayman, and which, with its mother, was thrown from the carriage, died yesterday. It is thought the injuries received, though they were not deemed serious at the time, hastened the death.

130 years ago

The new dormitory of the State University will be a brick building, 80x40, containing a basement, two stores and an attic. The basement will be used as a kitchen, lavatory, and storage room.

100 years ago

Just a suggestion: Suppose instead of trying to build a power plant to furnish Carson City with better and cheaper lights, that the city buy and improve the present sub-station, then buy juice at wholesale and retail it to the city and citizens. Think about it. Talk it over.

70 years ago

The Geiger counter, used by instructor Marty Hess in his various classes throughout Nevada, will be part of an exhibit at the California State Fair September 1 through 11. Prospectors throughout the state have benefitted greatly through Hess’ instruction. It is used to search for uranium.

50 years ago

Fourteen neighbors, finding the decibel level too high, have petitioned the board of supervisors to close the recently opened Jaycee Teen Center at 1821 N. Carson Street.

30 years ago

While most people’s only knowledge of the early West is based on history books and television westerns, 100-year old Bertha C. Scott has real-life memories to recall. When she was young women had two working choices, nursing or teaching.


150 years ago

Col. Curry started up the engine in the Mint yesterday and informs us that every thing works as smoothly as a top. Truly this Mint is a beautiful structure, a credit to its architect, manager and all connected with it.

130 years ago

The Picnic. Thirteen carloads of picnickers came down from Virginia and Gold Hill yesterday to attend the Caledonian picnic. There was also a large number from Reno and other places. The crowd was very orderly, and the picnic was well conducted throughout.

100 years ago

In company with Sam Bigelow and Mrs. Pierson, Miss Berthe D’Aubigny and Walter Belasco, the eminent movie stars, today visited Lake Tahoe. They went via Kings Canyon and after a short stay at Glenbrook they proceeded to Lakeside, where a splendid lunch was served.

70 years ago

Mina, Nevada — Town authorities were seeking today the cause of a late afternoon fire Sunday which destroyed ten buildings in this small mining community causing damage as yet unestimated. Mina volunteer firemen ran out of water from the town mains and railroad cars of water were brought in to help out.

50 years ago

Lone Pine, Ca. — the painstaking task of piecing together the wreckage of a long missing DC3 and bringing the bodies of 35 aboard from a frozen grave high in the Sierra began today.

30 years ago

Twenty-four underground fuel tanks in Douglas County will be tested in the next few weeks for possible fuel leaks that could contaminate the county’s groundwater and soils.


150 years ago

The Silver Star Ball club of this city, for the purpose of promoting the interests of our national game throughout this State, has issued a challenge to the best nine base ball players in Nevada. It is but a few weeks since the Club was started, but having made good progress, they think themselves fairly equal to the emergency set forth in their challenge.

130 years ago

Dying Fish. On Wednesday last two men were hired by Fish Commissioner Mills to go down to the large dam constructed by Theo. Winters at the lower end of Washoe Lake. A large congregation of fish were gathered there. Both men labored long into the night, saving thousands of fish from perishing in the shallow, stagnant water.

100 years ago

This afternoon Walter Belasco very graciously went out to the prison and screened his picture, “A Jewel in Pawn,” for the benefit of the inmates. He also went through his act of “making up” for the character of the benevolent pawn broker to the delight of his audience.

70 years ago

Iowa’s Colored Ghosts toyed with the Carson City 20-30 club Friday night before a big crowd on the local diamond. The score was something like 8 to 3 with the barnstormers pushing across seven of that number before the fire was put out in the first inning.

50 years ago

Some advice about the formation of a historical group will be offered tonight by Dr. Richard Wood, an expert in the field. Temporary officials for this new group include Bernard Allen, chairman; Herb Gillie, Grace Bordewick and William Dunfield.

30 years ago

While it might seem progress is slow in the area of Carson City’s downtown redevelopment, it is nonetheless steady. Those who stroll down the capital city’s main street will not be able to stop and rest a while on the wrought-iron benches installed last week.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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