Carson City taking comments on possible road projects

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Carson City Public Works is evaluating five major road projects for fiscal year 2021.

The department now divides the city into five construction zones and focuses on a single area each year to maximize efficiencies.

In 2021, the department is working in the district comprising all of east Carson City south of Highway 50 East.

The department has $908,811 available from the Regional Transportation Commission Transportation Infrastructure Fund to spend on the projects.

The highest priority is a rehabilitation project on 5th Street from Fairview Drive to Marsh Road costing an estimated $619,000.

That leaves about $289,000 for four possible preservation projects: Deer Run Road between U.S. 50 and a half mile north of Sedge Road for an estimated cost if $170,000; Old Clear Creek Road between U.S. 395 and Vista Grande, $55,000; Vista Grande Boulevard between Old Clear Creek and Douglas County incorporating Lompa Lane between U.S. 50 and Menlo Drive,$37,000; and Snyder Avenue between Bigelow Drive and Center Drive, $27,000.

The department usually holds a public meeting of its Transportation Resource Advisory Forum for Carson City, a citizens panel, to go over options for road work but is soliciting comment via email instead due to the ongoing public health emergency.

To comment, email Lucia Maloney at or by phone at (775) 283-7396.


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