Get Healthy Carson City: World AIDS Day 2021

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World AIDS Day is Dec. 1. Many achievements can be celebrated in the fight to end HIV/AIDS epidemic since World AIDS Day was first observed in 1988.
Each year organizations and individuals across the world bring attention to the HIV/AIDS epidemic with the goal to increase awareness and knowledge, speak out against stigma, and increase the response to move towards ending the HIV epidemic in the United States. Following are the four actions that need to take place to end the HIV epidemic:
• Diagnose all people with HIV as early as possible.
• Treat people with HIV rapidly and effectively to reach sustained viral suppression.
• Prevent new HIV transmissions by using proven interventions, including pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and syringe service programs (SSPs).
• Respond quickly to potential HIV outbreaks to get needed prevention and treatment services to people who need them.
Other precautions to protection yourself include:
• Get tested at least once or more often if you are at risk. Carson City Health and Human Services provides HIV testing. Call (775) 887-2195 to make an appointment.
• Use condoms.
• Limit your number of sex partners.
• Do not inject drugs, or if you do, do not share needles.
If you think you have been exposed to HIV within the last three days, ask a health care provider about post-exposure prophylaxis right away. PEP can prevent HIV, but it must be started within 72 hours.
Get tested and treated for other sexually transmitted infections.
The world is entering the fifth decade of the AIDS epidemic. This epidemic threatens everyone. It does not matter if you are rich or poor, or which geographic area you live in. The world must act with urgency to end HIV/AIDS.
This year CCHHS is hosting a World AIDS Day Art Exhibit, which will on display in the lobby for the entire month of December. This is an opportunity for individuals either living with HIV/AIDS or those with family members or friends living with HIV/AIDS to express their thoughts, feelings, and/or experiences through art.
For information about services and programs available to you through CCHHS, visit or call (775) 887-2190. You can also find us at 900 E. Long St. in Carson City, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter @CCHealthEd, or Instagram @GetHealthCarsonCity.


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