Update: Schools to close Friday

Carson City School District administration building.

Carson City School District administration building.

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Due to increasing concern surrounding social media threats circulating online, and in collaboration with the Carson City Sheriff’s Office, the Carson City School District will close all schools Friday, December 17, 2021.  

The Carson City Sheriff’s Office and the Carson City School District have been made aware of several national TikTok social media posts threatening gun violence at any given school on Friday, according to a news release.
There is no information that specifically identifies any Carson City school. Authorities believe the social media posts, which appear to be originating outside of Nevada, started as an attempt to cancel school before winter vacation.
CCSO is monitoring social media along with state and federal law enforcement. Currently, there is no credible threat from these social media posts to any school in Carson City.
The district’s top priority is the safety of students and staff, the release said. The sheriff's office will have an increased physical presence on all school campuses this week. As of right now, social media threats appear to be a stunt with no credibility, but the district continues to remain vigilant and proactive in taking any threat seriously.
Anyone with information of any specific threat or witness to any suspicious activity in or around schools, should notify Carson City School District administration, individual school principals or the Carson City Sheriff’s Office immediately.
Any student caught making a violent threat on social media causing a school disturbance will be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible.


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