Dayton Valley Days Festival hoping for a smoke-free weekend of fun

Hannah Lewis, 4, front, and her sister Hailey, 3, of Dayton, entertain parade-goers with the Dayton Dukettes during the Dayton Valley Days parade in 2004. (Photo: Brad Horn/Nevada Appeal)

Hannah Lewis, 4, front, and her sister Hailey, 3, of Dayton, entertain parade-goers with the Dayton Dukettes during the Dayton Valley Days parade in 2004. (Photo: Brad Horn/Nevada Appeal)

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The Dayton Valley Days Committee members have their fingers crossed for clear blue skies and nice weather when they host their annual festival along Pike Street on Sept. 18-19.
This year’s attractions include a craft fair, Civil War reenactment, pinewood derby, silent auction and pet parade.
“Everybody just needs a fun day,” festival Chairperson Janette Hoffert told the Appeal over the phone. “It’s a great family event.”
She said that all the events are offered for free or at a low cost to participants.
As in years past, most of the proceeds will go toward restoring Dayton’s Community Center, which is over a century old.
It’s a cause that Hoffert is passionate about. She’s been helping run the festival since its inception 32 years ago, and she enjoys contributing to her community, especially because it “has a lot of character,” she said, laughing.
This will be the last year that Hoffert and her co-chair Ruth Small run the festival. Starting next year, Dayton’s Chamber of Commerce will take the reins, replacing the Dayton Valley Days Committee.
But Hoffert reassured the Appeal she and Small will stick around informally to make sure it’s a smooth transition to new management.
For information on the festival, visit the committee’s website at or their Facebook page, @DaytonValleyDays. For specific questions, call the committee at 775-301-9567.
The committee will accept vendor applications and silent auction donations right up until the day before the festival, Sept. 17.


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