Lombardo, Sisolak set debate in governor race

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LAS VEGAS — Nevada's two major party candidates for governor plan to meet for what their host, a nonprofit statewide news site, is calling “the only confirmed gubernatorial debate” ahead of the November election.
Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat seeking a second term, will square off at the Oct. 2 forum in Las Vegas with Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, the Republican nominee, during a third annual policy and politics forum hosted by the Nevada Independent and dubbed IndyFest.
Representatives from the news site and both campaigns confirmed the plans on Friday. A specific time for the event to be streamed online from a media studio was not announced.
Longtime Nevada political journalist and news site CEO Jon Ralston will moderate the 90-minute town hall and invited questions submitted by readers, said Elizabeth Thompson, Nevada Independent editor.
The rival campaigns have made announcements in recent weeks about “debates” but have not confirmed other plans featuring the two candidates at the same place at the same time.
Lombardo campaign aide Elizabeth Ray pointed to a statement last week about “committing to three debates across the state,” in Elko, Las Vegas and Reno.
Sisolak campaign aide Reeves Oyster said in a statement that “Lombardo has yet to accept the previously agreed to debates.”


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