Past Pages for June 22 to 24, 2022

Daun Bohall Collection/Nevada State Museum

Daun Bohall Collection/Nevada State Museum

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145 Years Ago
The Creedmoor Teams, which will shoot at the long-range target on the picnic grounds today have been but imperfectly reported to us. They are from four military companies from Storey County — the Nationals, the Montgomeries, the Emmets and the Sarsfields, the Carson Guards and the Pioneer Team.
140 Years Ago
Death at the home. A delicate child named Jennie Brown, died at the orphans’ home yesterday morning. She was 9 years and 11 months old. The funeral will take place at 10 o’clock this morning.
120 Years Ago
Another death by electricity has occurred in Reno. This time a young man in charge of his duty came in contact with a live wire and was instantly killed. His name was Albert Petty, and he leaves a wife and child.
80 Years Ago
The task of keeping Ormsby county’s salvage depot in Carson in order has been given to the two Boy Scout troops of this city. One of the provisions is that the boys will be permitted to sell all the scrap paper turned in and keep the proceeds for their own purpose.
40 Years Ago
Paul Webster was installed as president of Warren Engine Co. No. 1 Volunteer Fire Department in ceremonies Thursday night at the central fire house. Other officers installed by retired Carson City Fire Chief Les Groth were Jim Parker, Tommy Taylor, Don Amodei, Art Horsell and Kani Shannon.
30 Years Ago
Although some doctors are saying they might discontinue emergency room back-up calls at Carson Tahoe Hospital, most want to find solutions to burgeoning patient loads and recover compensation for treating hospital patients.
145 Years Ago
The pioneers picnic. Today, those remnants of the Golden Age, which is never, never more to return to mortal experience; the survivors of the days of ‘49, 50’ — such as have found a home in the sage-brush — these will take themselves back to the days of their adolescence and have a picnic. And so, they are coming from all points of the compass. It will be the busiest day ever seen in Carson.
140 Years Ago
The Mint not suspended. The operations at the Carson Mint are not suspended, notwithstanding the assertion to that effect by several of our contemporaries. Bullion will be received, and payments made as usual.
120 Years Ago
Got the boy. The Fehrenbach family that has been delayed in this city for the past few days, owing to the disappearance of their son, who does not care to go to Germany, made the train with the truant last evening, and if the young man does not give the parents the shake, he will see the fatherland. The boy was found at Jake Rodenbaugh’s, where he was tucked away in a barn. He was brought to town yesterday and his father kept a hand on him until he was loaded on the train.
80 Years Ago
The camping committee of the Nevada Boy Scout area council has recently completed final arrangements for the opened gate of summer training camps of the Nevada area council at Camp Fleischmann, Camp Lamoille, and Camp Success Summit. Camp Fleischmann is located at Silver Lake, northwest of Westwood, Camp Lamoille is south of Elko, and Camp Success Summit is located near Ely in Davis Canyon.
40 Years Ago
The Nevada Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from a family in Washoe county who sued their adjacent landowners on grounds they should have been protected form a range fire that damaged their home.
30 Years Ago
The secretary of state’s office decided today that county clears must verify every signature to determine if a term limitation petition qualifies for a spot on the November election ballot.
145 Years Ago
Buffalo Bill is going to be here very soon. It’s not at all a bovine character, not the Great American Bison, but rather, Mr. William Cody the scout. William is the chief attraction in some blood and thunder is stage effects which are to be produced soon at the Carson theater.
140 Years Ago
A new name for it. A lady whose husband was the champion snorer of the community in which they resided confided to a female friend the following painful intelligence: “My life has not been one of unalloyed delight. I have had the measles, the chicken pox, the typhoid fever, and the inflammatory rheumatism, but I never knew what real misfortune was until I married a burglar alarm.
120 Years Ago
Reno is currently coming to the front with all the municipal airs that go with lively progress. Two highway robberies were reported in one night. One man was relieved of $75 and the other $4,375, the latter party having made the sum in Tonopah.
80 Years Ago
All planes based at the Carson City airport were accounted for following a check made after a report of an airplane falling in flames east of Washoe Lake. The plane was reported by three separate individuals as falling in a spiral in flames from 12,000 feet.
40 Years Ago
The distress call blares over the speakers of the U.S. Coast Guard Station at Lake Tahoe. Boat is stranded somewhere in the 194-square mile stretch of water. Water is flowing into the craft and the man is injured. Two hours travel time and two miles from shore, came the response.
30 Years Ago
Nevada will have the fourth highest cancer death rate in the nation this year according to the American Cancer Society.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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