Treasurer spells out Nevada housing response at White House

The White House

The White House

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Treasurer Zach Conine and his staff were at the White House on Wednesday, asked to describe how they are dealing with the affordable housing crisis.
“This week we were able to show the White House how we are using every tool available to us in Nevada to build more affordable housing as quickly as possible,” said Conine. “We are determined to continue working collaboratively with the federal government to address rising rents and making homeownership more affordable for Nevada families.”
A spokesman said the Wednesday meeting was in response to Nevada’s innovative partnership with the AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust, which may be able to make investments in Nevada’s housing market and construction including prioritizing projects in historically disadvantaged communities.
Since Nevada’s plan was announced, the spokesman said a half dozen other states have expressed interest in similar partnerships to leverage funding across the housing market.


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