Election 2022: Nevada U.S. Senate


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Six-year term

Candidates Barry Rubinson and Neil Scott didn’t respond.

Catherine Cortez Masto

Party: Democrat

Occupation: United States Senator from Nevada

Age: 58




Catherine Cortez Masto


Record of service

During my two terms as Nevada’s attorney general and chief law enforcement officer, I worked to keep our communities safe. I cracked down on crime, protected consumers, and worked closely with local law enforcement. I made it my mission to stand up for vulnerable women and girls, leading the fight to break up sex trafficking rings by passing a landmark law to make sex trafficking a felony crime, ensuring victims of domestic and sexual violence had the right to sue their captors, and expanding the sex offender registry to protect kids.

In the United States Senate, I have worked with both Democrats and Republicans to deliver for Nevadans. I worked to pass the bipartisan infrastructure package that is creating thousands of new, good-paying jobs across our state and then I worked with AARP to pass the Inflation Reduction Act to bring down prescription drug costs.

There’s still work to be done, and I am going to continue working to hold Big Oil companies accountable for high gas prices, lower housing costs for families, and bring American jobs back from overseas.


University of Nevada, Reno – Bachelor of Science in Finance (go Pack, go!)

Gonzaga University School of Law – Juris Doctor

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.

My job is to work for Nevadans, and if you need help, I’ll fight for you.

I will continue working on behalf of all Nevadans to lower costs, strengthen our economy, improve our education system, expand access to health care, and ensure each Nevadan has every possible opportunity to succeed.

A brief statement about your platform

I am proud to serve as Nevada’s senator, and I’m running for re-election because Nevadans deserve a senator who will continue to cut through gridlock and dysfunction in Washington and deliver real results for our families. Right now, my focus is creating jobs, lowering costs, and giving Nevadans a break.

There are thousands of jobs coming to our state through our infrastructure law, which I worked with Republicans to pass and which will fix our roads and bridges. Infrastructure isn’t just roads and bridges, though – I made sure that law included critical funding to combat our wildfire crisis and help connect all of our communities by expanding broadband. My opponent, Adam Laxalt, said he disagreed with bringing these new, good-paying jobs to Nevada.

But I know our job isn’t done. That’s why I’m pushing for an all-of-the above approach to bring down prices. That includes holding Big Oil companies accountable for rising gas prices and taking billion-dollar firms to task for buying up middle-class housing and making it unaffordable. Adam Laxalt works for a law firm that represents Big Oil, and he has defended them as they’ve profited off high gas prices in Nevada.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

I am proud to have a wide coalition of supporters. I have support from the Professional Firefighters of Nevada, the Nevada Association of Public Safety Officers, the Nevada Law Enforcement Coalition, the Nevada Police Union, Police Chief Jason Soto, as well as several Republican elected officials throughout Nevada because they know I work for all Nevadans, not just Democrats. When Democrats wanted new mining taxes that could have threatened good-paying Nevada jobs, I stood strong and single-handedly stopped them from moving forward.

As Nevada’s attorney general, I worked closely with our Republican governor to combat human trafficking in our state and keep Nevadans safe, and I’ve taken that same approach in the Senate. I’ve passed dozens of bills that have been signed by both President Biden and President Trump. These measures have made a difference in Nevada by rescuing our economy during the pandemic, providing local law enforcement officers with resources for training and equipment, and creating good-paying Nevada jobs.

I’ve worked across the aisle to combat human trafficking and combat the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women, passing two bills that were signed by President Trump. Working with Republicans, I passed a law to address the epidemic of law enforcement suicide and secured historic funding for Nevada’s local law enforcement departments.

I’ve also worked with Republicans and Democrats to get a new veterans cemetery in Elko after 10 long years of Nevada veterans waiting for its approval.

I am running for re-election so I can continue serving the people of Nevada and working to move our state – and our country – forward.

Adam Paul Laxalt

Party: Republican

Occupation: Attorney

Age: 44





Adam Paul Laxalt


Record of service

I am a former Naval Officer and Iraq Veteran, where I served in Iraq detainee operations. My team was in charge of more than 20,000 detainees during the surge. We kept America’s troops and citizens safer by assisting with the detention and prosecution of thousands of war criminals and terrorists. I was awarded the Joint Service Commendation Medal and the Iraq Campaign Medal. While on Active Duty, I also served as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney and as an Assistant Professor of Law in the Leadership, Ethics, and Law Department at the U.S. Naval Academy.

From 2015-2019, I served as Nevada’s 33rd Attorney General, entering office as the youngest Attorney General in the country at the time. As attorney general, I always fought to protect Nevada’s most vulnerable citizens and keep our communities safe from crime. Wherever I saw Nevadans in need, I used the resources of my office to help, even if that meant creating a new department or initiative within the AG office. I’m proud to say that the programs and initiatives I started to fight crime and provide legal services to Nevadans have been widely renowned for their effectiveness and replicated in other states.



Georgetown University – B.A., J.D.


Why are you running?

I am running to be a voice for Nevada families and to give representation to those who have been forgotten by the D.C. establishment. I will halt the Democrat policies that have destroyed our economy and our energy industry, left our southern border open to illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and human trafficking, and encouraged the rise in crime throughout our country. The United States and the state of Nevada are moving in the wrong direction – when I am the 51st Republican vote in the Senate, I will stop Biden’s agenda and fight for prosperity, freedom, and the rule of law.


Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for:

A US Senator must bring the voice of his constituents to Washington, D.C. and vote according to their interests, uphold and protect the U.S. Constitution, be consistently present in his state to hear voters’ concerns, and always maintain efficient and responsive office services to address the concerns of individual constituents.


A brief statement about your platform

I believe, despite how bad the political situation in our country may seem, that we can bring prosperity, freedom, and safety back to Nevada and the United States. To lower the inflation rate, gas prices, mortgage rates, and resolve labor shortages and supply chain issues, I will vote against inflationary government spending and unnecessary regulations and taxes on American businesses and American energy production.  To reduce crime, I will fight to secure our southern border and enforce our nation’s immigration laws. I will always stand with the police and against radical defund-the-police radicals, and I will ensure law enforcement agencies have all the resources they need to maintain law and order. I will vote to confirm judges and federal appointees who believe in our Constitution, and I will oppose the appointment of biased radicals to federal positions. I will always support Education Freedom and parents’ rights to decide how and where their children will be educated. Lastly, I will push back against the federal overreach and defend Nevada’s water and property rights. With these common sense, constitutional solutions, we can make Nevada and the United States prosperous, safe, and free again.


What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

My desire to serve my state and my country inspired me to volunteer for the Navy during the Iraq War and, later, to serve as Nevada’s attorney general.

In Iraq, I saw firsthand how many men and women in uniform suffered from legal troubles after returning to civilian life. So, as attorney general, I established the first-of-its-kind Office of Military Legal Assistance, a public-private program that provides members of Nevada’s military community with free legal representation at no cost to taxpayers. The program was named a “Best Practice Program” by the U.S. Department of Defense, with a recommendation for duplication in states throughout the country and has helped Nevada’s servicemembers and veterans handle thousands of matters, pro bono.

I also led in the effort to combat the opioid crisis. On behalf of victims, I sued big pharma over issues including deceptive marketing practices regarding the risks and benefits of prescription opioids as well as manipulation of drug prices. In that same month, I launched “Nevada’s Prescription for Addiction,” an opioid initiative to combat the abuse of prescription drugs in Nevada, which received unanimous, bipartisan approval from the Nevada Legislature’s Interim Finance Committee.

I also created the “Financial Fraud and Guardianship Abuse Unit” to help protect elderly Nevadans from identity theft and scams, and I established regular Law Enforcement Summits to help state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies work together to fight crime. Most importantly, I increased protections for victims of domestic violence, expanded resources for victims, and worked with law enforcement to process more than 8,000 rape kits from Nevada's backlog, which had left victims waiting for justice for years before action was taken.

Barry Lindemann

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Asset Manager/ Commercial Real Estate Finance

Age: 57




Barry Lindemann



B.A., Saint John’s University and MBA Pepperdine University

Why are you running?

Our politicians are not doing work for the people. Government must be returned to the purposed for which it is intended. Represent the people, not the corporate donors or political parties.

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for

We need to craft policy based in pragmatism. In conjunction, we must practice restraint in our actions and spending. Last, spending needs to focus within the borders of our country. The American people deserve more consideration and feature prominently in government action.

A brief statement about your platform

Restore Lake Mead water levels by getting the Bureau of Reclamation to unilaterally enact my plan to allocate water shares by percentages and not acre feet.

2. Bring inflation down by curbing government spending, lowering taxes, and deregulating businesses.

3. Recast student loans at the Fed Funds rate and eliminate default interest and penalties to prompt reasonable loan payment.

4. Have government insure a straight-line mortgage loan so people pay down their home loans faster.

5. Close the Southern Border until a pragmatic policy can be enacted.

6. Create a responsible energy plan that augments tradition energy with green energy. This will allow markets to open to oil production and reduce gas prices.

7. Ensure all women have the freedom to choose.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

I am not encumbered by promises to large donors or political parties. Because I have the freedom to think for myself, I can help craft and vote for the best policies for the people.


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