Election 2022: Churchill County Sheriff

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Four-year term

Candidate Daniel Sharp didn’t respond.

Richard Calvin Hickox Jr.
Occupation: Churchill County Sheriff
Age: 49
Contact: rhickox4sheriff@gmail.com

Richard Calvin Hickox Jr.


Record of Service:  
In March of 1999 I was sworn in as a Deputy with the Churchill County Sheriff’s Office, 23 plus years later I still proudly serve the residents and visitors of Churchill County. I have held the rank of Deputy, Corporal Investigator, Sergeant, Investigations Sergeant, Operations Captain and for the last 4 years Sheriff. During that time I have worked in the Detention Center, Patrol, and Investigations, while an Investigator I also taught DARE at the Middle school, I was an active member of and then the Supervisor of the Gang Unit and have been a Defensive Tactics Instructor for approximately 15 years.

P.O.S.T Category 3 and 1 certificates, Supervisory P.O.S.T certificate, National Command Course
Graduate, BIA Indian Country Law Enforcement Course.
Training in the following areas: Leadership and supervision, Interview and interrogation methods, Evidence and Property Room Management, Use of Force Investigations, Officer Involved Shootings, Medico Legal Death Investigation, Homicide Investigations, Child Deaths, Death Scene, Crime scene processing, former CVSA operator, NTOA management course, to name a few.

Why are you running?
I have wanted to be in Law Enforcement since I was a child, I love helping people and I believe strongly that someone needs to be the voice for those who can’t speak, someone needs to be the defender for the weak, scared and broken, by standing between evil and good and do so with integrity, honesty and courage. I love this community, I love being part of this agency and I have proudly been that voice and that defender for 24 years and would love to continue to protect and give back to my community.

Description of the Core Duties of the Position I am running for:
The Sheriff is responsible for providing law enforcement and peace keeping to the men and women who live in and visit Churchill County and ensuring their constitutional rights are not violated. The Sheriff is responsible for managing a multi-million dollar budget, oversight of the Detention Center, Patrol Divisions, ensure civil papers are served and perform Coroner Duties.

Brief statement about my platform:
I am seeking re-election to continue to serve you as the Churchill County Sheriff. I am committed, honest and hard-working who believes in doing the right thing at the right time. A vote for me is a vote for Honesty, Integrity and a hard working voice dedicated to serving and protecting you and your rights.

What makes me the most qualified candidate for this position:
I began my career in Law Enforcement in 1999 here in Churchill County and have worked a variety of assignments and held numerous ranks since that date with the last four years serving as your Sheriff. With each promotion or position change I worked very hard to know my job but also know about the positions around me to better assist them and prepare myself to best serve the agency and the community we are here to serve and protect. Over the span of this career I have attended numerous classes, seminars, sat in on webinars as well as read stacks of books and articles to broaden my knowledge for this same purpose.
The position of being a peace keeper and law enforcement officer is one that cannot be accomplished effectively acting as a silo. You must establish working relationships and build trust through honesty, being, trustworthy and committed to effectively provide the proper protection and services to your community. I have worked diligently to establish and maintain those relationships to provide the best service possible to my community and the agency I am proud to have been a part of and now lead.
During my career I have had the privilege of having mentors in this field who have shown me and taught me lessons they learned during their careers. I believe in surrounding myself with people who have a similar commitment to serve but who have the courage to speak up and present different view-points or ideas and empower them to do so. This ensures we are looking at the problem from all angles and working to find the best solution possible.
I believe I am the most qualified candidate based on training, knowledge, trust and experience. I am honest, committed, passionate and hard working. I have demonstrated repeatedly my commitment to do what is right, uphold my oath to protect and defend the Constitution and the rights it protects. I have been privileged and proud to be your Sheriff and ask that you continue to trust me to serve and protect this community.


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