Linda Marrone: Summer medley salad

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I’m sure like a lot of you, I am looking forward to some glorious fall weather. After an unusually hot summer intermingled with smoke, it’s a welcome sight. The mornings and evenings have been a little chilly but the afternoons still warm. I love to leave the door open in the early morning and evenings then shut it during the heat of the day.
But before we push summer completely out of the way, I want to remind you that there is one more Farmers Market and a chance to stock up on winter necessities and grab some of the last of summer’s goodness.
Honey, garlic, onions, butternut and acorn squash will keep well if stored in a cool, dry place. You can freeze some of the bread and pastries you enjoy and take them out in a month or two, lots of meat choices too. Grab some berries to eat or freeze them for a smoothie. I’ll be getting a couple of flats of raspberries to make jam. If you’re not into canning, they sell all sorts of jam and jellies at the market. I’ve already scored a couple of pumpkins.
Never too early to start thinking about the “C” word and now is the time to get some of that shopping out of the way. The market is not as crowded right now, so pay a visit to some of the artisan booths. There is wonderful yard art, jewelry, everything lavender you can imagine, wreaths and some great baskets.
Thank your favorite vendors for showing up every week and tell them you appreciate them, especially the farmers. Be sure and show a little love to the market manager, Breana, and her staff. I know I will.
The salad recipe I’m going to share with you is one of my favorites, but it really tastes best with veggies from the Farmers Market or your garden. There are no exact measurements here, just a list of what goes in this so you can make this for 1, 2, 4 or as many people that you plan to serve.
Corn off the cob, I use leftover that I’ve cooked and just take it off the cob, assorted cherry tomatoes cut in half, sliced cucumbers, purple onions (I cut these both in half too) and fresh mozzarella cheese (I use the small balls). Put all the ingredients in a bowl and splash with your favorite vinegars, I use red wine, raspberry, rice vinegars and walnut oil, salt, and pepper. Chop up a little fresh basil and add that, and you have yourself a delicious salad, enjoy.


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