Past Pages for April 12 to 14, 2023

North Carson Street looking northeast in the 1950s.

North Carson Street looking northeast in the 1950s.

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150 Years Ago

There is a dead horse’s stinking carcass lying on the ground about two blocks to the windward of Miss Clapp’s house; and when the wind blows that defunct equine is stronger in death than in life. Whose business is it to abate such a pestiferous nuisance as this? We don’t suppose his color makes him stink any more or less; but he is or was a white horse. He should be buried.

140 Years Ago

The Zephyr Club of this city and the Artillery Club of Virginia will play a match game of baseball at Treadway’s Park on Sunday next.

120 Years Ago

The president’s secretary send word to the committees in the various towns that he wants the committees appointed persons to meet the president at the train and leave him there later. His private secretary reserves the back seat of the president’s carriage for himself and the president. The president doesn’t want to be hauled in a carriage drawn by more than two horses. He wants nothing but the simplest treatment.

80 Years Ago

Mrs. Percy Train, curator of the Nevada Museum, was guest speaker at the Lions meeting last evening. The subject of her interesting and instructive talk was medicinal herbs used by the Indians. “The Good of the Club” will be the subject of the next general meeting.

40 Years Ago

Faced with more than 100 sticks of dynamite, a troop of Brownies retreated Saturday. And, because “discretion is the better part of valor” they lived to report the find. The Brownies found the partially unearthed dynamite when hiking north of U.S. Highway 50 East. They left it alone.

20 Years Ago

Las Vegas mayor Oscar Goodman celebrates a landslide re-election victory Tuesday.


150 Years Ago

Cabin robbed. Tom Wells, who has just got back from a trip to California says that upon his return to his cabin at the Carson Consolidated Mining Company’s claim, he discovered that the house had been entered during his absence and that a box of crackers, another of candles, and another of soap had been stolen — also a butcher knife. Of course, de doesn’t know who the thief is and doesn’t know whom to suspect.

140 Years Ago

A flood of immigration. The tide of immigration is at its flood. An army is now moving westward form the older states, greater in numbers than any that has preceded it for many years. Fourteen carloads of home seekers have passed Reno in the past 36 hours. In one train there were more than 500 persons, young and old. Most look for homes in California, Oregon, and Washington.

120 Years Ago

Yesterday afternoon the remains of Augustine Gagnon, an old resident of this section, was found in a cabin near Mill Station. From all appearances the body had been there for several weeks. When Gagnon left the Carson Exchange nearly a month ago, he was complaining of a bad cold, and it is the supposition he has attacked by pneumonia.

80 Years Ago

Mr. and Mrs. Bing Crosby, returning from their ranch in Elko County to Hollywood today, tarried in Carson for lunch at the Senator Coffee Shop.

40 Years Ago

A mandatory jail term in a controversial bill toughening penalties for drunken driving survived yet another attack Monday and was expected to come up for a vote again today.

20 Years Ago

Opponents of a proposed 156-unit timeshare development at Genoa Lakes have won the support of the Douglas County Planning Commission, which recommended denial.


150 Years Ago

It was a lovely day yesterday. We happen to know it was from the fact that we went way up to the Depot afoot, in the hot sun, and when we asked the train dispatcher general for the news he says, says he, “It’s a lovely day.” And he ought to know, for he owns a brand-new boy baby!

140 Years Ago

The city elections. There has seldom been much interest taken in city elections in Carson, but last year there was enough excitement worked up to make it interesting. Let us have a good lively election that all may take a hand and enjoy themselves.

120 Years Ago

For a number of years past the Emporium of this city has been dealing in Indian baskets and art of the native tribes. The result has been than an art that was nearly lost, or at least unappreciated, has been revived, and a demand is now made for the baskets made by the Nevada Indians that was never dreamed of a few years ago.

80 Years Ago

The annual conference of the National Aviation Training Association for the sixth region — the states of California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah — will convene in the assembly of the Nevada capitol with president Les Bowman, of Fort Worth, presiding.

40 Years Ago

As if the forests along Clear Creek Road have not suffered enough recently from drug busts, National Guard training camps and legislative fights over who owns the road, disaster is set to strike the Youth Camp next week. The Red Cross is staging a “mini” disaster preparedness institute at the camp.

20 Years Ago

The governor’s office of Consumer Health Assistance is closing its doors in Carson City. The four positions are moving to Las Vegas to consolidate staff and be closer to clients.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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