Past Pages for February 18 to 21, 2023

Looking toward the east at the Carson City Airport in 1960.

Looking toward the east at the Carson City Airport in 1960.

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150 Years Ago

Chicken nipper. Cowing, who lives on the Warm Springs Road, lit upon a “pigtail” in his chicken coop, literally loaded down with the choicest of his last year’s crop of pellets and young cocks. In all with those he had in hand between thirty or forty. He jabbered and blubbered but all of no avail, for he had fallen into stern hands. He was helped on his way by well-timed jerks to the sheriff’s quarters. Conundrum — who shows the greater affection for chickens, the man who devotes his time and pains rearing them or the Chinese person who risks his life in stealing them?

140 Years Ago

The people of Genoa are fearing that another avalanche will overwhelm the village. It is said that the snow is deeper there now than at any time last winter.

120 Years Ago

The Reno Junket. The members of both houses visited Reno yesterday and paid a visit to the Asylum and University. They were entertained at both places and expressed delighted at everything they saw. These institutions they found conducted on up-to-date lines and in order.

80 Years Ago

The assembly this afternoon adopted A.C.R. 5, by Phillips, which extends to Madame Chaing Kai-Shek an invitation to address a joint session of the Nevada legislature.

70 Years Ago

Carson Lodge No. 1 F.& A.M. will celebrate its 91st anniversary with a roll call and dinner Thursday evening. The Carson lodge of the Masonic order was started in February 1862, and its first meeting was held over a livery storable at Carson and Musser streets.

60 Years Ago

Gov. Grant Sawyer today joined a national physical fitness movement with the announcement he will lead a 25-mile hike of government employees Sunday to prove the mettle of Nevada’s public servants in the Capitol. The governor challenged the press and legislature to join him.


150 Years Ago

The Legislative ball was immense. The accommodations were grand by the crowd was grander. Other and precedent matter, for the present at least, crowds out particulars.

140 Years Ago

Cutting affair. On Sunday afternoon two colored men named respectively Frank Delaney and George Ray got into an altercation at the Arlington House, during which Delaney produced a razor, badly cutting Ray in the neck and on the head. The trouble is said to have arisen about some woman, the usual cause.

120 Years Ago

The eight-hour law passed the senate yesterday with only two votes registering against it. The measure passed the house several days ago, and the full text was published in this paper at that time.

80 Years Ago

Time and place of war registration for the War Ration Book Number Two which goes into effect March 1 when the new point rationing system for canned goods and processed goods begins, were announced by August Berning Jr., chairman of the Ormsby County War Ration Board today.

70 Years Ago

The assembly today approved the pinyon (pine nut) as official state tree by unanimous passing of AB53, sponsored by Richard L. Waters Sr., Ormsby county democrat.

60 Years Ago

The large percentage of juvenile crimes committed in Ormsby County during the past year involving youths from the Nevada State Children’s Home has sown the seeds of deep concern by many Nevadans as to the cause of the cause of delinquency there.


150 Years Ago

A shooting scrape occurred in Winston’s saloon yesterday morning. Wilder and Barnes, two sports, quarreled there and got into a fight each with a pistol in hand. Barnes fired and smashed a windowpane: Wilder ran and gashed his foot severely upon a piece of glass.

140 Years Ago

It is reported that ex-Governor Blasdell has sold his Humboldt group of mines at Aurora for $150,000 cash.

120 Years Ago

Tomorrow night the social event of a number of years will take place in this city, when the Inaugural ball tendered to Governor Sparks, will take place at the Opera House. About 150 tickets have been sold, which does not include those who have been invited, which will amount to about as many more. The success of the grand ball is thus assured.

80 Years Ago

After debating for 15 minutes, the jury trying Raymond Plunkett, 32, charged with the death of his five-month-old son, Raymond David Plunkett, last Dec. 10 in Ely, returned with a verdict of guilty of first-degree murder and fixed the penalty at death.

70 Years Ago

Residents of southern Washoe County — an area including Steamboat Springs, Washoe City and Franktown down to the Ormsby County line at Lakeview — are reportedly seeking a legislative amendment designating one of the county’s ten assemblymen come from that district.

60 Years Ago

The senate institutions committee has scheduled “an immediate and thorough investigation” to find out why juvenile lawbreakers are being sent to the Sunny Acres Children’s Home.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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