Open space committee to talk budget, work priorities

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The Carson City Open Space Advisory Committee will consider the upcoming budget cycle and other items at its meeting at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 21 in the community center.

Committee members will make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors regarding the fiscal year 2023-24 proposed budget. According to a staff report, the estimated sales tax revenue for quality-of-life funds for the open space budget was around $1.6 million for the current fiscal year. For the next fiscal year, the revenue is anticipated to be around $1.4 million. The report says the latter estimate is conservative based on current projections.

As a separate item, committee members will also review the Open Space Work Plan for the next fiscal year including capital improvements, land acquisitions, management and planning activities.

In other action:

• Committee members will consider making a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors on an updated fee schedule for the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Department.

The biggest change proposed is for the Capital Kids Before and After School Youth Program. The morning program is increasing from $22 a week to $25 a week. The after-school program is increasing from $44 a week to $50 a week. The program for Carson City School District professional development days and non-school days is increasing from $22 a day to $25 a day, while the program for CCSD minimum days is going from $16 a day to $40-$60 per 2-3-day session.

On Feb. 7, the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended approval of the proposed fee schedule with one modification: drop the shower fee at the aquatic facility from $3 to $1.

• Trails Coordinator Gregg Berggren will give a report on city trails, including an update on the Capital to Tahoe Trail, which is expected to be completed this summer. Berggren will also discuss trail-related grants, programs and events.


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