Carson poet publishes ‘The Ledger of Mistakes’

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Carson City resident and poet Kathy Nelson is the author of two chapbooks, “Cattails” and “Whose Names Have Slipped Away.”

The recipient of the 2019 James Dickey Prize from Five Points: A Journal of Literature and Art, she holds a Master of Fine Arts in poetry from the Warren Wilson Program for Writers.

Her work has appeared in The Practicing Poet: Honing the Craft and in numerous journals, including LEON Literary Journal, New Ohio Review, Southern Poetry Review, Tar River Poetry, and Valparaiso Poetry Review.

She has worked as a teacher, telecommunications engineer, and chaplain. Nelson’s most recent book of poems, “The Ledger of Mistakes” begins with sobering meditation, a descent and rise through what’s lost and sometimes found again, her keen eye on the natural world, her mother in the Bardo and in life, both trouble and love restored, unshakable grief, regret, triumph, and mystery.

“The Ledger of Mistakes” will be published on Aug. 8 by Terrapin Books and will be available for purchase through Ingram, at your local bookstore, on Amazon and other online retailers.

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