Trina Machacek: Picking the perfect spot to sleep

Trina Machacek

Trina Machacek

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I have a friend who once had what he called his “nap couch.” To him it was the best place to spend some lazy afternoons. He talked about it like it was an old friend that he was always comfortable with. I don’t think he still has it. That was many afternoon naps ago.

He and his wife moved to a new house, and I am not sure the nap couch lived too much longer with them in the new house. I know I have had some wonderful places to ZZZ away an afternoon or two. That is what came up in conversation not too long ago. Just where is the best place to sleep. Not only today but in life where is the best place we have all slept?

The memories of sleep spots is vast and varied. Not just at home. If you have traveled from here to there some places you have nodded off were just so-so. But! Yes, a sleepy time “but.” I for one have the memory of some amazing beds in hotels. Best one? Hands down the Ocean Point Inn in Booth Bay Harbor. Man, now that was some good sleeping.

Camping also can bring up some good sleep memories. Sleeping on the ground isn’t too much of a thing anymore. It might be all right if I was assured there would be someone there in the morning to help me get up off said ground! In reference to camp sleeping, I remember some good afternoon naps in lounge chairs. Bathed in the sun next to babbling brooks. Just think of those moments, laying back, breeze blowing in the trees, all is right with the world as you drift off. Man, now that was some good sleeping.

My backyard is an amazing place in the summer. I have a great hammock that sways at just the right back and forth speed as the clouds drift overhead. Looking up at summer fluffy clouds I hope like me, you see the bears and ducks and hearts in those ever-changing poofs of water in the atmosphere. Sniffing mowed grass. Birds winging and singing through trees as a sprinkler lightly hisses out water. Man, now that was some good sleeping.

Time and age give way to the where and the way we sleep. Sometimes just falling asleep can become a problem. Too much caffeine or not enough quiet time before hitting the hay can wreak havoc with us all. TV on or TV off? Music yes or no? Phone? Throw it across the room already! Man, now that will make for some good sleeping.

The discussion about sleep has to cover the fact that some of us don’t even go to bed to sleep. Not only my other half but other’s other halves slept in their chairs for many years. Some still do. That doesn’t happen all of a sudden. That change from the bed to the chair in the front room comes on over time. I remember at first, he would come to bed later and later.

Then get up earlier and earlier. Then we would buy a new bed because the one we had just wasn’t comfortable. It’s a whole process for sure. I often wonder just how many couples really sleep together every night as time marches on. Man, now that’s some ever changing sleeping for sure.

I’ve had those times, usually on days after nights of unsettled sleep where I fall asleep on my couch. My couch I have to admit is pretty darn comfortable. It’s not too hard, not too soft or cold or hot. The bad thing can be, when you fall asleep and then wake up around 6 and for a bit you don’t know if it is a.m. or p.m. That really messes with your internal clock. Even so, man that can be some good sleeping. The waking up – not so much.

The last bastion of sleep spots might be your car or truck at a truck stop. Maybe next to your motorcycle alongside the road or off in a quiet stand of trees to catch a few winks. Sleeping in vehicles always leaves something to be desired. Cramped spaces and cramping muscles do not go together well at all. We do what we need to as we travel.

Pulling over and catching a few ZZs is something I think we have all had a hard time doing. That “I can make it the last 188 miles,” internal struggle has been said by many, many drivers. Please! Stop and rest. I bet when you hit the road again you will not only arrive alive, you will also say, “Man, now that was some good sleeping.”

Trina Machacek lives in Eureka. Her books are available wherever you buy books or email her at to buy signed copies.


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