Five of 13 stores cited in alcohol sting

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Five clerks were issued citations for the sale of alcohol to a minor following alcohol-compliance checks in Douglas County.

Thirteen businesses that sell alcoholic beverages were visited, said Sheriff's spokesman Sgt. Tom Mezzetta.

"The purpose of these enforcement activities is twofold," Mezzetta said. "Of course we wish to identify and prosecute those individuals who knowingly furnish alcohol to minors, but we also wish to educate the public and bring to light that this is a serious problem with possible catastrophic results."

The majority of such enforcement activities involve the participation of a person under age 21 who attempts to purchase alcohol directly or by use of a third person.

The minor will either enter a business and attempt to purchase alcohol over the counter, or contact a third person of legal age outside the business and ask that alcohol be purchased for them.

This particular alcohol sales-compliance check was conducted with the assistance of a 19-year-old female in possession of the obvious fictitious identification of another.

The sale of alcohol or the furnishing of alcohol to a minor is a misdemeanor and punishable by incarceration in the county jail for a period not to exceed one year and or by a fine not to exceed $1,000.

The liquor license held by a business may be suspended by the issuing Liquor Board for repeated violations of the ordinance.

Alcohol Sting

The businesses visited were:

Johnson Lane Store Minden Fail

Good Cents Gardnerville Fail

Scolari's Gardnerville Fail

Smith's Gardnerville Fail

Chevron Gardnerville Fail

Rite Aid Gardnerville Pass

7-Eleven Gardnerville Pass

AM/PM Gardnerville Pass

Raley's 395 Gardnerville Pass

Lucky's Gardnerville Pass

JM Gardnerville Pass

Phillips 76 Minden Pass

AM/PM Minden Pass


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