All kinds of proposed resolutions for the brand new year

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This is the start of a new year, and I would like to see the following resolutions made and carried out:

Alaska Airlines: Not to lose any more of the Quilici family luggage. To date, they have lost luggage for yours truly, Elaine, her mom and Jim, and it always occurs at Seattle. I wonder why?

All Parties Involved: To work together to save Walker Lake and its trout fishery. It would be a shame for it to become sterile from the increasing salinity.

Bob "Slick" McCulloch: To stop being Norm Budden's henchman on the practical jokes that he will undoubtedly pull on yours truly.

Bud Higgins: To spend many enjoyable days fishing on his brand new boat. Have you noticed that each of his boats keeps getting bigger and bigger?

Calif. F&G: To drop their plans to drain Davis Lake to eradicate its Northern Pike. I, for one, think that plan is illogical and it would be devastating to the economy of that area.

Celeste Pierini: To outhunt and outfish her husband, Ron. Hey Ron, being No. 2 in the family isn't too shabby. I've been there for a long, long time in the fishing world.

Don Hettrick: To practice, practice, so he can try to steer his fishing boat in a straight line for more than 10 feet.

Don and Norma Reasons: To continue to host the awesome wild game dinners they share with Elaine and I. Great food!

Elaine Quilici: To let her poor miserable husband (that's me!) outfish her just once in 2007. I'm sure getting tired of losing all of our one-on-one bets.

Elmer Bull: To be unsuccessful in the Nevada big game drawings. Last year, he drew three different tags. Geez, Elmer, it's my turn this year!

Gene Phelps and his fishing partners: To all finally get their limits of Cutthroat trout at Walker Lake. That is something that is way overdue!

Jack Cooke: To never have a bad day fishing on his summer-long trip to Alaska., and not to forget his pal, Don Q, when he returns with those frozen fillets.

John Riordan: To finally be a winner in his annual fishing derby that is headquartered at Topaz Lake. That is also something that is also way over due.

Mark Day: To help me get a record-book bull elk, if I am lucky in the 2007 big game drawings. The head of a 6x6 or a 7x7 would look awesome hanging on our cabin wall.

NDOW: To finally get Legislative approval to be able, when necessary, to increase their license and tag costs on an annual basis like California has been doing for years.

NDOW Game Wardens: To be even more successful in their fight against the poaching of Nevada wildlife. Hammer those poachers into the ground!

Nevada Deer Herds: To prosper and grow back to the glory years of the 1950's and 1960's. Unfortunately, that is probably an impossible dream.

Nevada State Parks: To receive the necessary funding from the state legislature for the necessary maintenance and upkeep of all of our fabulous parks.

Norm Budden: To work diligently to avoid pulling even one practical joke during the year on yours truly. This is probably also an impossible dream.

Renee Busey: To keep her husband, Doug, somewhat honest and truthful, when he is telling me about his fishing prowess. I never knew dinky, little fish could be that heavy!

Scott Mattheus: To be able to make that difficult hike back to Raymond Lake, and this time, actually catch some of its very elusive Golden Trout.

Steve Robinson: To have a very successful year as the Governor's Deputy Chief of Staff for Legislative Issues. Good luck!

Keith Tanoos: To achieve national recognition as one of America's top bass fishermen. You've worked hard, you can do it and we are all rooting for you.

Paul and Gloria Washam: To have continued success in producing one of the best fishing newspapers ("Fishing The California Alps") in the U.S.

Washoe Lake: To receive the water necessary to maintain adequate levels without going dry again. Here's where Mother Nature can really help out.

Finally: If you have not made any 2007 resolutions, what in the heck are you waiting for?

They are fun to make and sometimes, some of them actually do happen.

• Bet Your Favorite Pigeon

Bet your favorite pigeon that he can't tell you what is my No. 1 resolution for 2007.

If he says, "Don is going to work very hard to avoid mixing up the NDOT and NDOW acronyms in his stories, as quite often happens," he could be a friend of mine.

• Don Quilici is the Outdoors editor for the Nevada Appeal.


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