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Oil companies drag feet on solutions

The following is a copy of a letter I just sent to my elected federal representatives. Please contact your congressmen and senators and forward this on to your friends.

If you or any of your staff watched the May 7, 2006 CBS "60 Minutes" program you would have learned that Brazil has literally eliminated oil imports by converting their vehicles to Flex-Fuel and then using E-85 ethanol-based fuel. If you want a copy, I have a tape of the program.

It is my opinion that the oil companies are the ones opposing, dragging their feet and preventing the development, distribution and sales of the Flex Fuel vehicles and the E-85 fuel for it sells at about $1 less per gallon.

The E-85 fuel is cleaner burning and would therefore also draw the support of the environmental community. It would also bolster the farm community economics and perhaps eliminate the need for farm subsidies.

With the exception of the oil industry, it is a very popular win-win-win opportunity.

If you want a winning election issue, one that all voters - except oil executives - would support, I suggest you propose legislation that would require the oil companies to immediately produce, distribute and sell the E-85 fuel and require that the automobile manufacturers immediately offer the Flex-Fuel option on all new cars and manufacture kits to convert existing vehicles to Flex-Fuel. I am told that such conversion is relatively easy and inexpensive.

Based upon the current skyrocketing fuel costs, this is a TODAY and NOW issue.

Stuart Posselt


Carson residents are nice - get used to it

Recently I had two experiences that have left me shaking my head and asking, "Why?"

The first happened at the veterinarian. A woman and her son brought in their dog and, while the woman was busy checking in, the dog pooped. The office was pretty busy and neither the woman nor her son noticed, so I went and got a paper towel and cleaned up the doggie's accident (God knows I've had plenty of experience). Well, the woman came over to me as I was going to the trash can and said that she would have done it and I responded, "Well it's done, no big deal." The woman started into a tirade and by the time she was done winding herself up she was furious and walked out of the veterinarian's office. Why?

The second incident was at a local warehouse store - I was pushing my cart when I heard a small voice to my right saying, "Excuse me, excuse me, I have to keep up with my dad." I looked over to see a young boy pulling a loaded flatbed cart. As I slowed to let him pass, I looked ahead to see his dad - an average size man with another loaded flatbed cart and a large, husky woman watching both of them. As I walked away the woman laughed and said to the boy, "That lady was sure mad at you." Why?

Maybe these folks are new to Carson, maybe they aren't even from Carson ... I don't know, but I want to say - we have a great town here. I think I (we) am so lucky to live where people smile and say "Hi" to strangers, where motorists stop for pedestrians (who don't seem to understand that cars and trucks cannot stop on a dime), and where strangers and neighbors will take time to help each other.

I don't understand someone getting upset because someone else did something to help or that someone would want to tell a child that did nothing wrong that someone else was mad at them. Whatever the reasons behind these incidents, I hope they are not previews of things to come, and I truly hope that the little boy helping his dad at the warehouse store knows that nobody was mad at him and that he did everything right.

Carlita Ray

Carson City

Don't forget mothers

While thinking about the coming Mother's Day, a scary thought crossed my mind. What if all mothers disappeared for a time.

Who would sooth the crying infant in the dark of the night and early hours of the morning? Who would send the children to school dressed in proper attire and in all manner presentable? Who would cook breakfast, prepare the evening meal, do laundry, make beds, pay bills, clean house, and do the thousand-and-one things that it takes to make a house a home? All of which often go unappreciated.

Mothers are all about love and sacrifice, caring and sharing for others. Nothing can replace a mother's love.

Mothers are the most important person in the family. They teach values, instill hope, give comfort and understanding.

Many husbands are deeply involved in seasonal sports, of which there is an endless amount. These men spend endless hours watching football, baseball, and basketball, and consider these days and hours in viewing sports their right of passage.

Mothers need more free time. They must have vacations. It is important that they enjoy free time to shop for personal things or do whatever takes their fancy.

Because mother is the most important person in the family, her happiness must be the family's concern.

Mother's Day should not be the only day we pay homage to mother. The spirit of Mother's Day should carry on every day of the year.

James McMullen

Carson City


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